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Catalog : MATH.1210 Management Precalculus (Formerly 92.121)

Id: 008245 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Review of algebra. The Real Numbers, inequalities and intervals on the number line, factoring, radical notation, properties of exponents, scientific notation, and operations on rational expressions. Function definition and graph of linear/nonlinear functions such as quadratic, cubic, absolute value, piecewise-defined, rational, and power function. Additional topics with functions included such as transformations of graphs and symmetry, composite functions, one-to-one and inverse functions. Solving linear and quadratic equations algebraically and graphically. Solving systems of equations in two variables algebraically and graphically. Modeling systems of equations in three variables and solving them analytically and with matrices using TI-84 implementation. Modeling with linear as well as quadratic and power functions with the aid of a graphing calculator and Excel spread sheets. Business applications are included.

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