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Catalog : HSCI.2110 Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology (Formerly 35.211)

Id: 004759 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Studies the fundamentals of microbiology with major emphasis on structure, function, growth, metabolism, and classification of clinically important microorganisms. The human body's response to invading microbes and an introduction to the ecological aspects of microorganisms in the environment with particular stress on their significance, activities (beneficial and detrimental) and control measures will also be studied.


HSCI.1010 Human A&P I, and HSCI.1030 Human A&P I Lab, or BIOL.1120 Prin.of Biology II and BIOL.1180L Exp.Biology II with a grade of B- or better, or Spring 2020 grade of "P", and Co-req: HSCI.2130 Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology Lab.

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