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GRFX.3150 Design for Advertising (Formerly GRFX 315)

Id: 038913 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Instruction in the design and layout of commercial advertisements as well as the creative aspects of advertising are integral parts of this course. Practical problems and technical guidance from preliminary layouts to finished work will help preliminary layouts to finished work will help prepare students for the commercial art field. Students will prepare an advertising campaign concept and translate it into a professionally-designed commercial series for use in their portfolios. This course will focus on the integration of design with the overall advertising message. Formerly 70.392. 3 credits/3 contact hours.


GRFX 2000 (formerly 70.291 or ARTS 2100) and GRFX 2020 (formerly ARTS 2400 or ARTS 2300) Familiarity with Adobe Photoshop and InDesign are recommended; and Online and Continuing Education Majors, Certificates and Non-Degree OCE Students Only.

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