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Catalog : CRIM.6690 Counterterrorism Policies and Strategies (Formerly 44.576/CRIM 669)

Id: 037105 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course examines the formulation and implementation of U.S. national strategies for combating terrorism, protecting critical infrastructure, and preventing the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons or materials that could be used by terrorists. Students will develop an understanding of the structure and operations of key federal agencies, state and local fusion centers, and examine the political, legal, moral and ethical issues of countering modern terrorism threats.


CRIM.571 (CRIM 5490) Domestic Terrorism and Violence Extremism, or CRIM.572 (CRIM 5710) Comparative Terrorism and Counterterrorism. or Permission of Instructor.

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