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Catalog : CHEM.5160L Laboratory in Pathogen and Disease Diagonstics

Id: 042347 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This laboratory course is designed to teach students (bio)analytical and microbiological techniques commonly used for the detection/diagnosis of study of diseases and pathogens More specifically, the laboratory sessions will teach techniques that are commonly used for the detection of bacteria, viruses and disease biomarkers (proteins, antibodies, and nucleic acids). Emphasis will be given also to modern bioanalytical techniques that assist the development of new bioassays and biosensors for pathogens and disease diagnostics. The laboratory work will be combined with discussion of the theoretical background of each technique. Students will prepare a mini review article describing recent advances for the detection of a particular pathogen or disease biomarker and they will also give a seminar to the class at the end of the semester. This laboratory course is open to graduate students in chemistry, biology, chemical engineering and related fields.


CHEM.3140 Analytical Chemistry II, or CHEM.5140 Advanced Analytical Chemistry, or CHEM.5800 Bioanalytical Chemistry, or Permission of Instructor.

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