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Catalog : BIOL.4385 Epigenetics & Chromatin

Id: 042265 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Although epigenetic phenomena have been observed for over a century, researchers have only started to untangle their underlying mechanism and effects on gene expression. This course provides and overview of epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromosome structure, and nuclear organization. We will discuss how molecules help regulate gene expression to affect health, development, and cell fate across organisms. The class will rely upon current and classic readings from the primary literature to best understand new genomic advances and current technological limits in the field. A special emphasis will be placed on experimental design and data interpretation.


Students in Biological Sciences must have passed BIOL.2350 with a grade of C-or higher. Students from other departments (including Biomedical Engineering or Applied Biomedical Sciences) may enroll with instructor permission.

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