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Catalog : BIOL.1110 Principles of Biology I (Formerly 81.111)

Id: 007466 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Introduces topics such as the chemical and physical basis of life, its evolution, diversity, distribution, and interrelationships of life forms. The central theme of genetic replication, translation, expression, and selection will be emphasized as a unifying principle which determines and integrates structure and function at the cellular, individual population, and community levels of organization. Designed for those students who intend to pursue career options in the biological sciences, biotechnology or related areas such as medicine, biomedical research, radiological sciences or environmental sciences. It is the first-semester course of a two-semester sequence.


Co-Req: BIOL.1170L Experimental Biology I and Anti-Req: BIOL.1220 and BIOL.2100 and LIFE.1000 and LIFE.1010. Please Note: Academic petition is required for anti-req exceptions.

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