
Badminton will be played in the Campus Recreation Center.

Game Time and Players

  1. The Game, Playing Area, and Equipment
    • Each side is allowed 1 player, or two if playing doubles.
  2. Periods, the Clock, and Substitutions
    • A complete game consists of 15 points. The winner of two (2) out of three (3) games wins the match.

Playing Regulations

  1. Starting the Game and Continuation of Play
    • The server may not serve until their opponent is ready.
    • The server cannot step into the serve. Both feet must remain stationary throughout the service motion.
    • The racket must remain lower that the wrist, and the birdie must be contacted lower than the waist for a proper serve.
    • A fault, if made by the serving side, puts the server out; if made by the receiving side, scores a point for the server.
    • Only one trial at a serve is permitted; if the serve hits the top of the net and proceeds into the proper service court it must be played as good.
  2. Doubles
    • At the beginning of each game, the team serving first only gets one side-out. After this, both partners shall serve.
    • The team shall always receive the serve in the same service zones established at the onset of the game.
    • When your team starts to serve, choose which service zone you will start in. This zone now becomes your “home” service zone. The serve always begins in the right hand service zone. If the score is an even number, the original server serves from the right side to the opponents’ right side. If, however, the service starts on an odd number, the team member whose “home” side is the LEFT side of the court serves from the right side to the receivers’ right side. When a fault occurs, the server’s partner serves on whichever side the score dictates.
    • If the serving side serves out of order and wins the point, the receivers can protest prior to the service of the next point, and the serve shall be played as a LET (played over with no point awarded).
  3. Penalties and Ejections
    • The server steps on the line in his/her service court.
    • During a service attempt, the head of the racket is above the waist at the instant of striking the bird.
    • The bird is hit more than once, either on a return or a service, before it crosses the net.
    • The bird does not cross the net.
    • The bird touches any part of the body of the server or the receiver.
    • The service or return falls anywhere outside of the proper court without being struck by the receiver. Lines are in bounds.
    • The receiver hits the bird before it crosses the net. However, the striker may follow through over the net with their racket.
    • The receiver hits the net with their racket or their body.
    • The server or his partner balks (makes preliminary feints).
    • The serve is played by the opponent in the wrong court.
    • The receiver rushes the service net before the server contacts the bird.
  4. Scoring
    • Only the serving team may score in a service.
    • When the score is tied at 13, the first player reaching 13 has the opportunity to set the game to 5 additional points or simply play the game to 15 points.
    • When the score is tied at 14, the first player reaching 14 can set the game to 3 additional points or simply let the game continue to 15, such that the next person winning a point wins the game.


Racquetball will be played in the Campus Recreation Center racquetball courts.

Playing Regulations

  1. Match:
    • The match will consist of the best two out of three games, the winner will be declared by winning two of the three games.
    • Each game will be played to 15 points (straight), the first person to get 15 points will win that match.

Rule 1 - Serve (Singles or Doubles)

  1. Order - The player or side winning the coin toss becomes the first server of the match and starts the first and third game, if necessary.
  2. Start - Games are started by the referee calling, "Players ready?…Serve!"
  3. Place - The server may serve from any place in the service zone. No part of either foot may extend beyond either line in the service zone. Stepping on the line (but not beyond) is permitted. The server must remain in the service zone until the served ball passes the short line. Violations are called "Foot Faults."
  4. Manner - A serve is commenced by bouncing the ball on the floor in the service zone, and on the first bounce the ball is struck by the server's racket so that it hits the front wall and on the rebound hits the floor back of the abort line, either with or without touching one of the side walls.
  5. Readiness - Serves shall not be made until the receiving side is ready, or the referee has called "Players ready!"

Rule 2 - Serve (Doubles)

  1. Server - At the beginning of each game in doubles, each side shall inform the referee of the order of service, which order shall be followed throughout the game. Only the first server serves the first time up and then continues to serve first throughout the game. When the server is out, the side is out. Thereafter both players on each side shall occur until a hand-out occurs. It is not necessary for the server to alternate serves to the opponents.
  2. Partner's Position - On each serve, the server's partner shall stand erect, with his back to the side wall and with both feet on the floor within the service box until the served ball passes back of the short line. Violations are called "foot faults."

Rule 3 - Defective Serves

  1. Dead Ball Serve - A dead ball serve results in no penalty and the server is given another serve without cancelling a prior illegal serve.
  2. Fault Serve - Two fault serves result in a hand-out.
  3. Out Serves - An out serve results in a hand-out.

Rule 4 - Dead Ball Serves

  1. Dead ball serves do not cancel any previous illegal serve.
  2. Hits partner - Hits the server's partner on the fly on the rebound from the front wall while the server's partner is in the service box. Any serve that touches the floor before hitting the partner is a short.
  3. Screen Balls - Passes too close to the server or the server's partner thus obstructing the view of the returning side. Any serve passing behind the server's partner and the side wall is an automatic screen.
  4. Court Hinders - Hits any part of the court that under local rules is a dead ball.

Rule 5 - Fault Serves

  1. The following serves are faults, and any two in succession results in hand-out.
    • Foot Faults - A foot fault results:
      • When the server leaves the service zone before the served ball passes the short line.
      • When the server's partner leaves the service zone before the served ball passes the short line.
    • Short Serve - A short serve is any served ball that first hits the front wall and on the rebound hits the floor in front of the back edge of the short line, either with or without touching one side wall.
    • Three Wall Serve - A three wall serve is any ball served that first hits the front wall and on the rebound hits two side walls before touching the floor.
    • Ceiling Serve - A ceiling serve is any served ball that touches the ceiling after hitting the front wall either with or without touching one side wall.
    • Long Serve - A long serve is any served ball that first hits the front wall and rebounds to the back wall before touching the floor.
    • Out of Court Serve - Any ball going out of the court on the serve.

Rule 6 - Out Serves

  1. The following serves result in a hand-out.
    • Bounces - Bouncing the ball more than three times while in the service zone before striking the ball. One bounce is counted each time the ball hits the floor within the service zone. Once the server is within the service zone and the receiver is ready, the ball may not be bounced anywhere but on the floor within the service zone. Accidental dropping of the ball counts as one bounce.
    • Missed Ball - Any attempt to strike the ball on the first bounce that results either in a total miss or in touching any part of the server's body other than his racquet.
    • Non-front Serve - Any served ball that strikes the server's partner, or the ceiling, floor, or side wall, before striking the front wall.
    • Touched Serve - Any served ball that on the rebound from the front wall touches the server, or touches the server's partner while any part of the partner's body is outside of the service box, or if the server's partner intentionally catches the served ball on the fly.
    • Out of Order Serve - In doubles, when either partner serves out of order. Any points which may have been scored during an out of order serve will be automatically void with the score reverting to the score prior to the out of order serve.
    • Crotch Serve - If the served ball hits the crotch (joint of front wall and floor), it is considered the same as hitting the floor and is an out. A crotch serve into the back wall is good and in play.

Rule 7 - Return of Serve

  1. Receiving Position - The receiver or receivers must stand at least 5 feet back of the short line, until it passes the short line, until returning it. Any infraction results in a point for the server.
  2. Defective Serve - To eliminate any misunderstanding the receiving side should not catch or touch a defectively served ball until called by the referee or it has touched the floor for the second time.
  3. Fly Return - In making a return on the fly (volley), no part of the receiver’s body or racquet may enter into the service zone. A violation by a receiver results in a point for the server.
  4. Legal Return - After the ball has been legally served, one of the players on the receiving side must strike the ball with his racquet either on the fly or after the first bounce and before the ball touches the floor a second time to return the ball to the front wall either directly or after touching one or both side walls, the back wall, the ceiling, or any combination of those surfaces. A returned ball may not touch the floor before touching the front wall first, then hitting the front wall on the fly, or after hitting the side wall or ceiling.

Rule 8 - Changes of Serve

  1. Hand-Out - A server is entitled to continue serving until:
  2. Out Serve - He makes an out serve as described under Rule 6.
  3. Fault Serves - He makes two fault serves in succession as described under Rule 5.
  4. Hits Partner (Doubles) - A returned ball hits a member of the same team which just struck the ball before the ball touches the floor the second time.
  5. Return Failure - A player or his partner fails to keep the ball in play by returning the ball.
  6. Avoidable Hinder - He or his partner commits an avoidable hinder under Rule 10.
  7. Hits Self (Singles) - A returned ball hits the player who just struck the ball before the ball touches the floor the second time.
  8. Side-Out
  9. In Singles - In singles, retiring the server retires the side.
  10. In Doubles - In doubles, the side is retired when both partners have been put out, except on the first serve.
  11. Effect - When the server or the side loses the serve, the server or serving side shall become the receiver, and the receiving side shall become the server, and so this alternates for all subsequent service-outs of the game.

Rule 9 - Volleys

  1. Each legal return after the serve is called a volley. Play during volleys shall be according to the following rules.
    • One or Both Hands - Only the head of the racquet may be used at any time to return the ball. The ball must be hit with the racquet in one or both hands. Switching hands to hit a ball is an out. The use of any portion of the body is an out.
    • One Hit - In attempting returns, the ball may be touched only once by one player on the returning side. In doubles, both partners may swing at but only one may hit the ball. Each violation of (1) or (2) results in a hand-out or point.
  2. Return Attempts
    • In Singles - In singles, if a player swings at but misses the ball in play, the player may repeat his attempt to return the ball until it touches the floor a second time.
    • In Doubles - In doubles, if one player swings at but misses the ball, both he and his partner may make further attempts to return the ball until it touches the floor the second time. Both partners on a side are entitled, on any volley, to attempt to return the ball.
    • Hinders - In singles or doubles, if a player swings at but misses the ball in play, and in his or his partner's attempt to play the ball again there is an unintentional interference by an opponent it shall be called a hinder and the point shall be played over.
    • Touching Ball - Except as provided in Rule 10 covering Hinders, any touching of a ball before it touches the floor the second time by any player other than the one attempting to return the ball is a point or out against the offending player.
    • Ball Returning to Front Wall - A ball in play returning to the front wall and touching an opponent is played as a Hinder, however, if the ball touches the striker's partner (in doubles) or the striker himself it is a point or out against the striker's team.
    • Ball Returning front Front Wall - A ball returning from the front wall and touching any part of a player on the side just having returned the ball before it bounces twice, is a point or out against the offending side.
  3. Out of Court Ball
    • After Return - Any ball returned to the front wall which on the rebound or on the first bounce goes into the gallery or through any opening in a side wall shall be declared dead and the serve replayed.
    • No Return - Any ball not returned to the front wall, but which caroms off a player's racquet into the gallery or into any opening in a side wall either with or without touching the ceiling, side or back wall shall be an out or point against the players failing to make the return.
    • Dry Ball - During the game and particularly on service, every effort should be made to keep the ball dry. Deliberate wetting of the ball shall result in an out. The ball may be inspected by the referee at any time during a game.
    • Broken Ball - If there is any suspicion that a ball has been broken on the serve or during a volley, play shall continue until the end of the volley. If the referee decides the ball is broken or otherwise defective, a new ball shall be put into play and the point replayed.
  4. Play Stoppage
    • If a player loses a shoe or other equipment, or foreign objects enter the court, or any other outside interference occurs, the referee shall stop play.
    • If a player loses control of his racquet, time should be called after the point has been decided, providing the racquet does not strike an opponent or interfere with play during the point. The condition causing the loss of racquet should then be corrected to prevent the loss on subsequent points.

Rule 10 - Dead Ball Hinders

  1. Hinders are of two types, "Dead Ball," and "Avoidable." Dead Ball hinders as described in this rule result in the point being replayed. Avoidable hinders result in a point or out.
    • Hinder Situation - When called by the referee, the following are dead ball hinders.
    • Court Hinders - A court hinder is played if the ball hits any part of the court which under local rules is a dead ball.
    • Hitting Opponent - Any returned ball that touches an opponent on the fly before it returns to the front wall.
    • Body Contact - Any body contact with an opponent that interferes with seeing or returning the ball.
    • Screen Ball - Any ball rebounding from the front wall close to the body of a player on the side which just returned the ball to interfere with or prevent the returning side from seeing the ball.
    • Straddle Ball - A ball passing between the legs of a player on the side which just returned the ball, if there is otherwise no fair chance to see or return the ball.
    • Other Interference - Any other unintentional interference which prevents opponents from having a fair chance to see or return the ball.
    • Effect - A call by the referee of a "hinder" stops the play and voids any situation following, such as the ball hitting a player. No player is authorized to call a hinder except on the back-swing, and such a call must be made immediately.
    • Avoidance - In the process of attempting to return the ball, a player is entitled to a fair chance to see and return the ball. It is the duty of the side that has just served or returned the ball to move so that the receiving side may go straight to the ball and not be required to go around and opponent. The referee should be liberal in calling hinders to discourage any practice of playing the ball where an adversary cannot see it until too late. It is no excuse that the ball is "killed" unless in the opinion of the referee, the ball could not be returned. Hinders should be called without a claim from a player, especially in close plays and on game points.
    • In Doubles - In doubles, both players on a side are entitled to a fair and un-obstructing chance at the ball and either one is entitled to a hinder even though it naturally would be his partner's ball and even though his partner may have attempted to play the ball or that he may have already missed hit. It is not a hinder when one player hinders his partner.


This abbreviated version of the World Singles Squash Rules is to help players to understand the basics. All players should read the complete Rules. The Rule numbers in brackets in each heading refer to the full Rules.


Squash will be played in the Campus Recreation Center squash court.

Playing Regulations

The Scoring

  1. A match is the best of five games. Each game is to nine points, unless the score reaches eight-all. At eight-all the receiver (non-server) has to choose to play either to nine points (known as "Set One") or to ten points (known as "Set Two"). (There is no requirement that a player needs to be two points ahead to win a game).
  2. Points are scored only by the server. When the server wins a rally he or she scores a point; when the receiver wins a rally he or she becomes the server.

The Service

  1. Play commences with a service. The player to serve first is decided by the spin of a racket. Thereafter, the server continues serving until losing a rally, when the opponent becomes the server and the server becomes "hand out".
  2. The player who wins the preceding game serves first in the next game.
  3. At the beginning of each game and when the service changes from one player to the other, the server can serve from either service box. After winning a rally the server then continues serving from the alternate box.
  4. To serve a player stands with at least part of one foot on the floor within the service box. For a service to be good, it is served directly onto the front wall above the service line and below the out line so that on its return, unless volleyed, it reaches the floor within the back quarter of the court opposite to the server's box.

Good Return

  1. A return is good if the ball, before it has bounced twice on the floor, is returned correctly by the striker onto the front wall above the tin and below the out line, without first touching the floor. The ball may hit the side walls and/or the back wall before reaching the front wall.
  2. A return is not good if it is "NOT UP" (ball struck after bouncing more than once on the floor, or not struck correctly, or a double hit); "DOWN" (the ball after being struck, hits the floor before the front wall or hits the tin) or "OUT" (the ball hits a wall on or above the out line).


  1. After a good service has been delivered the players hit the ball in turn until one fails to make a good return.
  2. A rally consists of a service and a number of good returns. A player wins a rally if the opponent fails to make a good service or return of the ball or if, before the player has attempted to hit the ball, it touches the opponent (including racket or clothing) when the opponent is the non-striker.
  3. Note: At any time during a rally a player should not strike the ball if there is a danger of hitting the opponent with the ball or racket. In such cases play stops and the rally is either played again (a "let") or the opponent is penalized.

Hitting an Opponent with the Ball

  1. If a player strikes the ball, which, before reaching the front wall, hits the opponent, or the opponent’s racket or clothing, play stops.
  2. If the return would have been good and the ball would have struck the front wall without first touching any other wall, the striker wins the rally, provided the striker did not "turn".
  3. If the ball either had struck, or would have struck, any other wall and the return would have been good, a let is played.
  4. If the return would not have been good, the striker loses the rally.


  1. If the striker has either followed the ball round, or allowed it to pass around him or her - in either case striking the ball to the right of the body after the ball had passed to the left (or vice-versa) - then the striker has "turned".
  2. If the opponent is struck by the ball after the striker has turned, the rally is awarded to the opponent.
  3. If the striker, while turning, stops play for fear of striking the opponent, then a let is played. This is the recommended course of action in situations where a player wants to turn but is unsure of the opponent’s position.

Further Attempts

  1. A player, after attempting to strike the ball and missing, may make a further attempt to return the ball.
  2. If a further attempt would have resulted in a good return, but the ball hits the opponent, a let is played.
  3. If the return would not have been good, the striker loses the rally.


  1. When it is his or her turn to play the ball, a player is entitled to freedom from interference by the opponent.
  2. To avoid interference, the opponent must try to provide the player with unobstructed direct access to the ball, a fair view of the ball, space to complete a swing at the ball and freedom to play the ball directly to any part of the front wall.
  3. A player, finding the opponent interfering with the play, can accept the interference and play on, or stop play. It is preferable to stop play if there is a possibility of colliding with the opponent, or of hitting him or her with racket or ball.
  4. When play has stopped as a result of interference the general guidelines are:
  5. The player is entitled to a let if he or she could have returned the ball and the opponent has made every effort to avoid the interference.
  6. The player is not entitled to a let (i.e. loses the rally) if he or she could not have returned the ball, or accepts the interference and plays on, or the interference was so minimal that the player’s access to and strike at the ball was not affected.
  7. The player is entitled to a stroke (i.e. wins the rally) if the opponent did not make every effort to avoid the interference, or if the player would have hit a winning return, or if the player would have struck the opponent with the ball going directly to the front wall.


  1. A let is an undecided rally. The rally does not count and the server serves again from the same box.
  2. In addition to lets allowed as indicated in the paragraphs above, lets can be allowed in other circumstances. For example, a let may be allowed if the ball in play touches any article lying on the floor, or if the striker refrains from hitting the ball owing to a reasonable fear of injuring the opponent.
  3. A let must be allowed if the receiver is not ready and does not attempt to return the service, or if the ball breaks during play.

Continuity of Play

  1. Play is expected to be continuous in each game once a player has started serving. There should be no delay between the end of one rally and the start of the next one.
  2. In between all games an interval of 90 seconds is permitted.
  3. Players are permitted to change items of clothing or equipment if necessary.

Conduct on Court

  1. Offensive, disruptive or intimidating behavior in squash is not acceptable.
  2. Included in this category are: audible and visible obscenities, verbal and physical abuse, dissent, abuse of racket, court or ball, unnecessary physical contact, excessive racket swing, unfair warm-up, time-wasting, late back on court, deliberate or dangerous play or action and coaching (except between games).


Ping Pong will be played at the Campus Recreation Center.

The Game

  1. Matches are best two-out-of-three games. Each game is to 11 points.
  2. A coin toss or paddle spin determines who is to serve. The winner may elect to play at either end of the table, or to serve or receive. The loser is allowed the alternate choice.
  3. On the serve, the ball shall be placed in the palm of the flat hand about level with the playing surface. The ball should be tossed upwards, with no spin, and struck as it is descending.
  4. A serve that touches the net and proceeds over into the opposing team's side is considered a let. The server will then receive another attempt to serve. There is no limitation to the number of lets permitted per service.
  5. Each player will alternate serve for two consecutive points.
  6. Players shall switch sides after each game. In the third game, the players shall switch ends when someone reaches the score of five.
  7. The player who served first in game one shall receive the first serve in the second game. The rotation continues at the start of each subsequent game.
  8. If the score reaches 10-10, the service changes after each point until one player gains a two-point advantage.
  9. A shot is no good when it hits the side edge of the table below the white line.


  1. A point is awarded in the following circumstances:
    • If the opponent fails to make a good service unless in the case of a let.
    • If the opponent fails to make a good return.
    • If, after the player has made a good service or a good return, the ball touches anything other than the net assembly before being struck by the opponent.
    • If the ball passes beyond the end line without touching the court, after being stuck by the opponent.
    • If the opponent or anything the opponent wears or carries moves the playing surface or net assembly.
    • If the opponent’s free hand touches the playing surface.


  1. Paddles and balls will be available.
  2. No sandpaper covered paddles are allowed.