1. Games are three periods each and 15 minutes in length, running time. Clock will stop only after a goal or an injury in the last two minutes of the game unless a team is winning by four or more goals.
  2. There is a one-minute intermission between each period.
  3. There can be a maximum of two Ice Hockey Club Members on a roster. No varsity hockey players may play intramural floor hockey.
  4. Including the goaltender, there will be a total of six players on the floor.
  5. Each team will receive one time-out per game.
  6. Substitutions can be made at any time throughout the game “on the fly” or on any whistle or after a goal. However, the goaltender can only be substituted for between periods.
  7. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, then a five-minute overtime period will be played, and the team scoring first wins. If the game is still tied at the end of sudden death, a shootout will result. Each team will alternate three penalty shots. The teams will continue to shoot penalty shots until the tie is broken.
  8. The ball can be advanced with the stick or the foot. A player may knock the ball down to himself/herself, but not make a hand pass, which will result in a faceoff outside the zone the infraction was made.
  9. Once the ball goes out-of-bounds, the referee will blow the whistle and they will do a face off.
  10. The goalie must wear a mask at all times, and is the only player with rights to the crease. Once the goalie has possession of the ball within the crease, the goalie has three seconds to play the ball or a face-off will result. The goalie cannot advance the ball with a throw. Once the goalie leaves the goal crease, he/she is subject to the same rules as any other player.
  11. If a player INTENTIONALLY dislodges the net, a penalty and/or a penalty shot may be issued.
  12. The referee, at his/her discretion, may award a goal if the net is intentionally dislodged, as the ball appears to have been going in.
  13. The following infractions result in a two-minute penalty:
    • High Sticking
    • Raise Stick above Waist at any Time
    • Sliding
    • A defensive player freezing the ball in the crease
    • The Goalie freezing the ball out of the crease
    • Too many players on the floor
    • Interference
    • Tripping
    • Holding
    • Pushing
    • Kneeing
    • Illegal use of Hands
    • Slap Shots during a game
  14. The following infractions result in a five minute major penalty, as well as ejection from the game as well as the next one based on the referee’s discretion:
    • Disrespect to the official
    • Abuse of equipment
    • Instigating a Fight
    • Spearing
    • Cross-checking
    • Slashing
    • Fighting
    • Slap shots taken during warm up or between intermissions
  15. Any player who amasses a total of three penalties, other than a major, in one game will be ejected from that game, and face a one game suspension. Any player ejected must leave the building/grounds completely and their team will be assessed an five-minute major penalty. Any player ejected from a game must meet with the coordinator before he/she is able to play again.
  16. Any player who amasses a total of two major penalties in one season will no longer be able to participate in the league.
  17. The game will start with a face-off at center court. The referee will drop the ball between the two opposing players for each face-off. If the ball is frozen by the goalie, then the face-off will take place to the right or the left of the goalie.
  18. Mercy Rule: If one team is up by 15 goals at any time, the game will be called. If a team is up by ten goals at any time within the last ten minutes of the third period the game, will be called.