DifferenceMaker Demo Day

The 2024 Idea Challenge winning teams just completed the DifferenceMaker summer Boot Camp! They worked hard to develop their business models, discover their customers, and further their ideas Please come and see their new and improved ideas at this year's Demo Day!

Now they need help and guidance from mentors to get them to the next level. 

Are you interested in mentoring a team or attending the event to learn more? 

Please join DifferenceMaker! 


Date: July 10
Time: 5-8p.m.
Location: Saab ETIC, Perry Atrium

There is a metered lot located behind the Pulichino Tong Business Center building. It is free after 7p.m. and $0.75 for 30 minutes before that. The lot is located on Standish Street, right off Riverview Avenue. Interactive map: https://www.uml.edu/maps/marker/328b0bc3-39c8-4e59-84b1-c9461010be77

There is metered parking in the Cumnock Lot located across the street from Saab ETIC building. It is located at 31 University Avenue. Interactive map: https://www.uml.edu/maps/marker/b9bc1413-d067-4815-967b-7f5d7e363a37

There is a large parking lot located at 293 Riverside Street.  This parking is free after 3pm. Interactive map: https://www.uml.edu/maps/marker/07adf6a7-72b5-4a49-bf8c-170dc91cd8b4

Questions? DifferenceMaker@uml.edu

Refreshments will be served.