Bicycle Advocacy Committee

Bicycle Plan Title Page - Bicycle closeup with people sitting in the background

UMass Lowell Bicycle Plan 2022 - 2027

The Bicycle Advocacy Committee created the UMass Lowell Bicycle Plan 2022-2027 (pdf) that highlights past progress, current initiatives and future goals in the areas of:

  1. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion,
  2. Engineering,
  3. Education,
  4. Encouragement, and
  5. Evaluation and Planning.

Bicycle Advocacy Committee History

The UMass Lowell Bicycle Advocacy Committee was established in 2016 to address bring together relevant departments and stakeholders across UMass Lowell and the community.

Committee members include staff across campus from Campus Recreation, Facilities Planning, Police, Sustainability, Transportation, Student Government, as well as the City Traffic Engineer, Neighborhood Planners, representatives from the local cyclist community and interested students, faculty and staff.​

Committee members meet approximately once per month to discuss, collaborate, and inform each other on bike programs and issues relevant to the University both on and off campus​. Some University members also serve as liaison with the city and other state agencies on bike-related matters.

Recent Topics:

  • E-Bike and E-Scooter accommodations
  • Bike Rack Improvements
  • Bike Share Operations