The University of Massachusetts Lowell recognizes that animals, such as dogs, provide great emotional health benefits to students and employees during stressful times. The university permits certified therapy dog to visit campus with the proper regulations. 
Persons responsible for therapy dogs, handlers/owners, must be in control of dogs at all times and be responsible for any waste or disturbance the dog may cause. 
Animals that are capable of carrying zoonotic diseases are not permitted on campus.
The university prohibits the use of therapy dogs in all areas except the assigned areas for the therapeutic interactions with the UML community. Exceptions to restricted areas may be explored with the Disability Services and Equal Opportunity and Outreach.


Any faculty, staff or students that want to bring a therapy dog to campus must have the animal approved by The Wellness Center and meet the following requirements:
  • Must be a certified therapy dog team and have send proof of therapy certification to The Wellness Center.
  • Must be current on all appropriate vaccinations and send a copy of them to The Wellness Center.
  • Must be on leash, harness or tethered to owner/handler.
  • Must always be with owner/handler.
  • Needs approval from appropriate dean (in academic setting) or supervisor.
  • Location and hours of visit must be specified.
  • All animal waste is the responsibility of the owner/handler and must be properly disposed of.

Removal of Therapy Animals

A person with a therapy dog can be asked to remove his or her therapy dog when it is out of control and the handler does not take action to control the animal. When there is a legitimate reason that a therapy animal must be removed, staff must offer assistance or provide services to the person with a disability.