Monica Kong headshot
Monica Kong '22
Public Health

The River Hawk Scholars Academy, a support program for first-generation college students, gave Monica Kong the confidence she needed to succeed – and lead.

The RHSA empowered me not only as a student, but as a leader and a person who wants to serve the community.
Read More About Monica Kong 
Gifty Kessie works with another student on a project
Gifty Kessie '23
Mechanical Engineering

Gifty Kessie takes advantage of opportunities to learn and grow – and then turns around and offers a helping hand to others.

I learned to never say no to any opportunity that comes my way.
Read More About Gifty Kessie 
Janelle Christopher and her mom, Lorainne.
Janelle Christopher '22

Janelle Christopher started studying at UMass Lowell at the same time as her mom, Lorraine.

We were both first-gen college students at the same time.
Read More About Janelle Christopher 
Karam Alafandi
Karam Alafandi '24
History, Pre-med

Karam Alafandi is studying history on his way to becoming a doctor.

I’m looking forward to having lifetime relationships with my patients.
Read More About Karam Alafandi 

River Hawk Scholars Academy News

  • Two young women blow bubbles through a colorful hoop that another woman is holding

    Meet the Librarian Who is Focused on First-Year Students

    Yolanda Hood, the UMass Lowell Library’s new first-year experience and instruction coordinator, ensures that students know about the resources and services that are available to them to help them succeed.
    Featured Story
  • Kelley-Lawson at chemo with her sister

    This New Year, Kelley Lawson is Grateful for a Fresh Start

    In this new year, Kelley Lawson is grateful for second chances. One year after extensive surgery and chemotherapy for Stage 4 cancer, Lawson shares some of the ways she’s winning this battle, one day at a time.
    Featured Story
  • UML biomedical engineering student Alex Hutchinson in Granada, Spain

    RHSA Expands with Study Abroad, First-Gen Student Conference

    The River Hawk Scholars Academy is expanding its programs for first-generation college students, including adding a study abroad course and a conference organized by students, thanks to federal aid and grants from nonprofits.
    Featured Story
  • A young man in glasses smiles while listening to someone talk in a conference room

    New Program Helps First-Gen Students Find Career Paths

    The River Hawk Scholars Academy’s new Pathways to Career program helps first-generation college students in their junior year take advantage of resources available to them in the Career and Co-op Center.