Pursuing a Fulbright

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff who are U.S. citizens are encouraged to explore international opportunities in teaching, research, and other professional projects, through the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to consider the following types of awards:


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is an international grant program that aims to foster mutual understanding between the U.S. and nations across the globe. Fulbright provides grants for individuals designed study/research projects and for English Teaching Assistant Programs.
UML seniors and graduate students who are U.S. citizens are eligible and encouraged to apply. Email UML's Fulbright Program Advisor Rae Mansfield@uml.edu for additional information.
Grant lengths and dates vary by award. Please consult the specific award description for details.

Hosting a Fulbright

If your department and/college is interested in hosting a Fulbright sponsored for one of the featured programs below, please email international_partnerships@uml.edu to start your application process.