Department Chair, Professor, GPS Math Coordinator
Convergence rate of markov chains, combinatorics, isoperimetric inequalities
- Phone978-934-2442
- Emailravi_montenegro@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor
Partial Differential Equations, Wave Propagation through Composites, Numerical Solution of PDEs
- Phone978-934-5998
- Emailabiti_adili@uml.edu
Associate Professor
Algebraic topology, model theory, image processing
- Phone978-934-2445
- EmailTibor_Beke@uml.edu
Visiting LecturerHistory of Math, Problem Solving, Mathematical Representations, Art of Teaching
Acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation in terrestrial environments, numerical solution of PDE's, parabolic approximation methods
- Phone978-934-2440
- EmailRonald_Brent@uml.edu
Associate Professor
Computational Mathematics/Electromagnetics, Numerical Solution of PDEs, Scientific Computing.
- Emailminhyung_cho@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor
Statistics, Applied Mathematics
Associate Teaching Professor
- Phone978-934-2269
- EmailJennifer_GonzalezZugasti@uml.edu
Harmonic & complex analysis, operator theory
- Phone978-934-2443
- EmailAlexander_Kheifets@uml.edu
Convex geometry, geometric tomography, integral geometry, combinatorics
- Phone978-934-4474
- EmailDaniel_Klain@uml.edu
Discrete mathematics, abstract algebra, computing with Mathematica
- Phone978-934-2414
- EmailKenneth_Levasseur@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Variational Analysis
- EmailHung_Phan@uml.edu
Ergodic theory, dynamical systems, information theory, coding, stochastic processes
- Phone978-934-2711
- EmailVidhu_Prasad@uml.edu
Combinatorics, probability and dynamical systems
- Phone978-934-2438
- EmailJames_Propp@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Programs, Transfer Coordinator
- Phone978-934-2409
- EmailTheresa_Schille@uml.edu
Assistant Professor
Numerical Solution of PDEs, Integral Equation Method, Scientific Computing
- Phone978-934-5598
- EmailBowei_Wu@uml.edu