The Department of Biological Sciences offers the following undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

Undergraduate Programs

Descriptions of undergraduate-level courses.

Graduate Programs

Descriptions of graduate-level courses.

Meet Our Faculty & Students

UMass Lowell Image
Thomas B. Shea
Biological Science

Tom Shea is the director of the Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration Research. His research looks at ways to prevent or slow down brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and ALS.

You can have the best research facilities in the world and still might be missing the essential element to the university experience—the interaction between faculty and students.
Read More About Thomas B. Shea 
Sonakshi Chaudhary types on a laptop while interviewing a person
Sonakshi Chaudhary '25
Biological Sciences

Sonakshi Chaudhary came to UML planning to transfer. She stayed after falling in love with everything the campus has to offer.

My freshman year was amazing. I love all the people that I’m meeting, because everyone is so culturally diverse.
Read More About Sonakshi Chaudhary 
UMass Lowell student Rameez Shaikh standing outdoors
Rameez Shaikh '21

Rameez Shaikh ’21 has been accepted by more than six dental schools, thanks to mentoring by Chemistry Assoc. Teaching Prof. Khalilah Reddie.

Being able to see someone who looks like you and talks like you in a position of power – it’s huge.
Read More About Rameez Shaikh 
Megan Salsinha playing field hockey at UMass Lowell
Megan Salsinha '23
Biological Sciences

Student-athlete Megan Salsinha credits her honors research project and academic coursework for preparing her for medical school.

UMass Lowell is setting me up to be successful in medical school.
Read More About Megan Salsinha 
Aaron Stella
Michael Doane '19
Chemical Engineering, Biology

Honors student Michael Doane has won several prestigious fellowships and scholarships for his cancer-related and biofuel research. He says UMass Lowell does a great job of structuring both classes and learning experiences that build on one another.

There are so many different programs and entities that all build on each other and combine to give you anything you’re willing to get out of your undergraduate experience.
Read More About Michael Doane