SHAP3D Center logo.

SHAP3D is a collaboration between the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML), University of Connecticut, Arizona State University (ASU) and Georgia Institute of Technology to create a National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (Industry-University Research Partnerships (I/UCRC)) focused on 3D printing. The Center's work encompasses many different additive printing/manufacturing methods and will enable:

  • rational design and creation of new material feedstocks
  • understanding the material properties, protocols, and design rules used in 3D printing
  • developing new 3D printing methods for novel materials and composites

In an Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC), National Science Foundation (NSF) funding and pooled member fees are used to perform pre-competitive research. University faculty and students conduct the industry-defined research projects. Industry members have access to this research to expedite commercialization of new materials, printing methods, and products.

Meetings and Events

Spring Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) meeting:

SHAP3D is a University / Industry / Government Collaboration


The National Science Foundation has more than 40 years of experience with the I/UCRC program and provides performance oversight and external independent evaluation of SHAP3D.
