UMass Lowell Professor and Director of the Haiti Development Studies Center teaches schoolchildren in Les Cayes, Haiti, how to build a simple telescope out of cardboard tubes and lenses as part of the Haiti Development Studies Center’s astronomy education outreach.

Prof. Robert Giles teaches schoolchildren in Les Cayes, Haiti, how to build a simple telescope out of cardboard tubes and lenses as part of the Haiti Development Studies Center’s astronomy education outreach.

With significant prior experience working in Haiti over the past decade, and understanding that sustainable changes needs to come from within, the faculty researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell have leased a site in the city of Les Cayes.

Having a permanent residence within the community will enable them (and their students) to continuously perform health and environmental assessments across the Southern Department of Haiti. HDSC employs a full-time staff comprised of an American Program Coordinator, who resides in the facility, and a six-member team of Haitians who are responsible for house-keeping, ground transportation, security and all in-country resource requirements.

The facility director and program coordinator will provide project advisement involving regional and community-based concerns and opportunities. Student interns and their faculty advisers may remain in Haiti over extended periods to gather and document the investigative data.

“In-Country” Facility Staff Members

  • House Manager: Inosent Dumesle
  • Facilities Manager / Chauffeur: Steveson Vincent Joseph
  • Asst. Facilities Manager: Anous Labossiere
  • Groundskeeper: Mr. Admé
  • Research Interns: Marie Dayana Alabre & Ralph Rodney Douyon

Meet Our Students

Aaron Stella
Michael Doane '19
Chemical Engineering, Biology

Honors student Michael Doane has won several prestigious fellowships and scholarships for his cancer-related and biofuel research. He says UMass Lowell does a great job of structuring both classes and learning experiences that build on one another.

There are so many different programs and entities that all build on each other and combine to give you anything you’re willing to get out of your undergraduate experience.
Read More About Michael Doane 


The port city of Les Cayes is located about 200 miles southwest of the capital city, Port-au-Prince, the capital city, and is locally known as Aux Cayes. It lies on the southern shoreline of Haiti, and is the capital of the Southern Department of Haiti. The University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Honors Development Studies Center is located at 85 Rue Toussaint Louverture in Les Cayes.

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