Jason Dickinson

Jason Dickinson, M.S., CISSP

Senior Scientist / Information System Security Manager (ISSM)

Kennedy College of Sciences
Submillimeter-Wave Technology Laboratory (STL)
Wannalancit 130


Terahertz imagery, terahertz systems, signal processing, radar algorithm development, radar scattering phenomenology, multidimensional data visualization

Research Interests

Research interests include terahertz and radar scattering phenomenology, high frequency radar, terahertz systems and applications, RF signal processing, control systems, complex data visualization, terahertz concealed weapons detection, high speed terahertz and radar imaging, carbon dioxide lasers, environmental sensor systems.


  • M.S. Computer Science (2011), University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • B.S. Chemistry (1994), University of Massachusetts Lowell (1994)


Jason C. Dickinson received a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts in 2011, and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry in 1994. Dickinson has been working in the terahertz and radar field since 1989 at the Submillimeter-Wave Technology Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. In 1994, he became a Staff Scientist, and later, a Senior Scientist specializing in radar and terahertz, ultra-stable terahertz laser-based systems, terahertz image generation and analysis, terahertz concealed weapons detection, radar algorithms development, and multidimensional radar data visualization.

Jason prefers National Instruments LabVIEW as his programming language of choice for most projects, but also runs experiments with: Arduino, Processing, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, HTML, MySQL, PHP, FilemakerPro, OpenGL, IGOR, R, and a few others.

He is active in the terahertz and radar community, authoring and co-authoring some 26 publications.