Calendar PDF Version

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August 28Residence halls open for new students
August 29Residence halls open for returning students
August 31Convocation
September 1Fall classes begin.
Drop-add period begins.
September 6Labor Day (university closed)
September 8Last day for undergraduate students to add a course without a permission number.
Last day for instructors to publish course and attendance requirements for class members.
September 15Last day to:
  • Add a course with a permission number
  • Drop a course without record,
  • Change enrollment status from: Audit to Credit; Credit to Audit; “Pass-No Credit” to Letter Grade, or Letter Grade to “Pass-No Credit”
Note: No refund after this date.
October 11Indigenous People Day (university closed)
October 14Mid-semester: at least one evaluation required in each course.
October 15Spring 2022 schedule of classes will be viewable in SIS
October 18Extended faculty advising hours begin. Students check SIS for enrollment appointments.
First day for seniors who anticipate completion of degree requirements by the end of May or the end of August to confer with faculty advisors and to file Programs of Baccalaureate Studies (DIG form).
October 25Enrollment for spring 2022 courses begin using enrollment appointment dates obtained from student SIS self-service.
November 1Extended faculty advising hours end. Last day for seniors who anticipate completion of degree requirements by the end of May or the end of August to confer with faculty advisors and to file Programs of Baccalaureate Studies (DIG form).
November 11Veteran's Day (university closed)
November 12Monday Class Schedule
Last day for students to withdraw from courses with grade of “W” for regular session. All other sessions see Graduate, Online & Professional Studies calendar.
November 22Last day for students to complete work for incomplete spring 2021 and summer 2021 courses
November 24Thanksgiving Recess begins
November 29Classes resume
December 3No hour examination shall be administered during the last five academic days of the semester unless exemption has been allowed by the college dean.
December 10Last day of fall semester classes.
Last day for faculty to file grades for incompletes and change of course grades for spring semester (2021) courses.
December 11Reading Day (no classes or exams)
December 13Fall semester examinations begin (there will be Saturday exams)
December 18Fall semester examinations end at 6 p.m.
December 19Residence halls close at noon.
December 20Make-up day for examinations postponed because of weather.
Winter Recess begins.
December 25Christmas (university closed)
December 27Deadline for final grades to be recorded in SIS by 4 p.m.

Note: In the event that examination days are postponed because of weather conditions, the first days of postponed examinations will be made up on December 20, December 21. Additional postponed examination day will be made up on January 14.