What if You Live to 100? UMass Lowell researchers weigh in on what’s at stake in the longevity boom. Learn more
Black and white photo taken in profile view of former Chancellor of UMass Lowell William T. Hogan

'He Put Us in a Position to Grow'

The legacy of former Chancellor William T. Hogan. Read more

UMass Lowell senior chemical engineering major Huyen Tran, process engineer co-op at Pfizer

This Is How You Work It

Our students don't just sit around all summer; here's what they were up to. Read more

Roger Cressey '87, who was on the first Model U.N. team at UMass Lowell, practices a presentation before his classmates.

Model U.N.

Solving the world's most important problems (in 5 days or less). Read more

bar chart and magnifying glass graphic
  • They'll Have a Field Day with This One: Aiken Fields will open this winter on East Campus and will include two tennis courts and two AstroTurf fields surrounded by stadium lights and scoreboards for club and intramural sports.
  • Art of Gold: PayScale.com rated UMass Lowell No. 1 in the nation for its 20-year return on investment for art majors and art careers.
  • All Hot Air: Music Prof. John Shirley spent his summer sharing his love for the harmonica by teaching group lessons outside Boston's Faneuil Hall and leading a harmonica jam at Make Music Boston. 
  • Dream Weavers: Gov. Charlie Baker awarded UMass Lowell $11.3 million to establish a Fabric Discovery Center focused on smart fibers and wearable electronics.
  • Fake News, for the Win: A new theory says a sudden reversal of Earth's gravity wiped out the dinosaurs. There's not a shred of scientific evidence for that idea, but it did win UMass Lowell math Prof. James Propp top honors at BAHFest—the Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses, an MIT-sponsored contest for silly, pseudoscientific theories.

Alumni Spotlight

Brandon Aylaian at Mt. Rainier
Brendon Aylaian '21
Business Management

Army Rangers veteran Brendon Aylaian is working as a financial specialist for the Air Force.

I can’t say enough good things about working for the Air Force.
Read More About Brendon Aylaian