The letters AI with a halo on the A and devil horns on the I

Spring 2024: AI: Friend or Foe?

The jury's still out on whether Artificial Intelligence will do more good than harm.
Illustration of an umbrella shielding rain from a parched landscape

Fall 2023: What's Up With the Weather?

Extreme weather is on the rise. UML researchers weigh in on the science behind what's driving these changes.
Collage of images from City of Lowell on pale yellow background

Spring 2023: City Lights

From research partnerships to internship opportunities, the city of Lowell serves as a learning lab for students and faculty. See what makes the City Lights shine.
Chancellor Moloney surrounded by smiling and waving students

Summer 2022: Truest Blue

Former Chancellor Jacquie Moloney ’75, ’92 has been every kind of River Hawk. See what makes her the Truest Blue.
Sustainable over a large wooden U with leaves growing from it

Winter 2022: Sustainable U

See how UMass Lowell became the top-rated school in Massachusetts for sustainability and what it's doing to help solve the climate crisis. Visit Sustainable U.
Smiling young black woman with braids and buildings reflected in her sunglasses

Summer 2021: Good Vibes

Twelve students, like chemistry major Benedicta Agyemang-Brantuo '22, make the world a brighter place. Watch them shine.
This is Big magazine cover of old black and white photo of people wearing party hats

125th Special Anniversary Issue: This is Big

The university turned 125,  and we have a lot of big stuff to celebrate. Big ideas, big dreams, our big happy family. Celebrate with us
Shot of the magazine cover - Oprah with her arms spread against a blue "O"

Fall 2019: Oprah Was Here

What does it take to host one of the most famous people in the world? See how UML pulled it off

Cover of UML magazine "Buckle Up" issue

Fall 2018: Buckle Up!

Everything about cars is changing, and UML alumni and faculty are helping pave the road ahead. Drive on.

Cover of UML magazine "The Food Issue"

Spring 2018: The Food Issue

Alumni who grow, cook, serve and think about food. Dig in.