Juheng (Julie) Zhang

Juheng (Julie) Zhang, Ph.D.

Operations & Information Systems Chair; Professor

Manning School of Business
Operations and Information Systems
(978) 934-3261
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 434

Research Interests

Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Social Media Analytics, Information Disclosure


  • Ph D, (2011), University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
  • MS: Finance, (2006), University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
  • BS: Business Administration, (2003), International University of Business and Economics - China

Selected Awards and Honors

  • 2021-22 Pedagogy Mini-Grants: Hybrid Pedagogy (2021), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2021), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2016), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Alec Courtelis Award (2010), Scholarship/Research - University of Florida
  • Outstanding Academic Achievement Award (2010), Scholarship/Research - University of Florida
  • Grinter Fellowship (2009), Scholarship/Research - University of Florida

Selected Publications

  • Zhang, J. (). Information Disseminated with Technology Firms on Social Media.
  • Jing Peng, J.Z., Gopal, R. (2022). The Good, the Bad, and the Social Media: Financial Implications of Social Media Reactions to Firm-Related News. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(3) 706--732.
  • Peng, J., Zhang, J., Ram, . (2022). The Good, the Bad, and the Social Media: Financial Implications of Social Media Reactions to Firm-Related News. Journal of Management Information Systems, 4 706-832.
  • Han, L., Zhou, Q., Zhang, J., Yang, X., Zhou, R., Tang, J. (2020). Polymorphism and consistency: Complex network based on execution trace of system calls in Linux kernels. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(09) 2050126.
  • Zhang, J., Liu, X., Li, X.B. (2020). Predictive Analytics with Strategically Missing Data. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(4) 1143-1156.
  • Zhang, J., Piramuthu, S. (2018). Product Recommendation with Latent Review topics. Information Systems Frontiers, 20 617–625.
  • Summerfield, N., Zhang, J., Motiwalla, L.F., Mai, T., Mazza, K. (2018). Using Analytics to Predict Project Management Success.
  • Zhu, D., Lappas, T., Zhang, J. (2018). Unsupervised Tip-Mining from Customer Reviews. Decision Support Systems, 107 116-124.
  • Zhang, J., Aytug, H. (2016). Comparison of Imputation Methods for Discriminant Analysis with Strategically Hidden Data. European Journal of Operational Research, 255(2) 522 - 530.
  • Zhang, J. (2016). Social Media Content on Financial Markets. International Journal of New Technology and Research, 2(3).
  • Zhang, J. (2015). Ensuring trust online through the wisdom of crowd. Journal of Internet and e-Business Studies, 2015 1.
  • Zhang, J. (2015). Voluntary Information Disclosure on Social Media. Decision Support Systems, 73 28–36.
  • Zhang, J., Aytug, H., Koehler, G.J. (2014). Discriminant Analysis with Strategically Manipulated Data. Information Systems Research, 25(3) 654–662.
  • Zhang, J. (2014). Information revelation and social learning. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(2).
  • Marston, S., Li, Z., Bandyopadhyay, S., Zhang, J., Ghalsasi, A. (2011). Cloud Computing: The Business Perspective. Decision Support Systems, 51(1) 176-189.
  • Guo, H., Zhang, J., Koehler, G.J. (2008). A Survey of Quantum Games. Decision Support Systems, 46(1) 318-332.
  • Zhang, J., Bandyopadhyay, S., Piramuthu, S. (2008). Real Option Valuation on Grid Computing. Decision Support Systems, 46(1) 333-343.

Selected Presentations

  • The Good, the Bad, and the Social Media: Financial Implications of Social Media Reactions to Firm-Related News - Conference on Information Systems and Technology, INFORMs, October 2019 - Seattle, WA,
  • Firm Performance and Social Media Content - Is The “Quiet Period” Quiet in This Information Rich World? - The 13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, June 2019 - Shenzhen, China
  • Adversarial Learning - Invited talk, June 2019 - Lanzhou, China
  • Is IPO Quiet Period Quiet? - The 1st Conference of the New England Chapter of the AIS, May 2019
  • Using Analytics to Predict Project Management Success - 3rd North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, September 2018 - Washington, DC
  • Application and Research Prosperous of Data Exploration in Social Scientific Study - Invited talk, September 2018 - Lanzhou, China,
  • Information Disclosure in the Sharing Economy - The 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, June 2018 - Qingdao, China
  • Accentuating the Positive: Financial Implications of Strategic Information Disclosure of Firms on Social Media - Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), October 2017 - Houston, TX,
  • How to Publish in Top Journals - Invited talk, September 2017 - Worcester, MA
  • Strategically Information Disclosure on Social Media - INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2016 - Nashville, Tennessee
  • Mining Hidden Information - The 10th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), June 2016 - Dalian, China
  • Social Media Buzz with Stock Performance - SIGDSA: 2015 Business Analytics Congress, December 2015 - Dallas, Texas
  • Is IPO Quiet Period Quiet in This Information Rich World? - The 7th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, December 2015 - Dallas, Texas
  • Product Recommendations with Discovered Hidden Topics in Online Reviews - INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2015 - Philadelphia, PA
  • Strategically Missing Values with Support Vector Machines - Faculty Research and Creative Work Symposium, March 2015 - Lowell, MA
  • Voluntary Information Disclosure on Social Media - The 6th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, December 2014 - Auckland, New Zealand
  • Strategically Missing Values with Support Vector Machines - The 23rd Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, December 2013 - Milan, Italy
  • Comparison of Imputation Methods for Discriminant Analysis with Strategically Hidden Data - DSI Annual Meeting, November 2011 - Boston, MA
  • Linear Discrimination with Strategic Missing data - INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2011 - Charlotte, NC
  • Trust and Reputation Systems, - INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2010 - San Diego, CA
  • Linear Discrimination with Strategic Missing Values - INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2010
  • A Survey of Quantum Games - INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2008 - Washington D.C.
  • Real Option Valuation on Grid Computing - INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2007 - Seattle, WA