M. Berk Talay is an Associate Professor in the Manning School of Business - Marketing Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department at UMass Lowell.

M. Berk Talay, Ph.D.

Department Chair, Professor

Manning School of Business
Marketing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(978) 934-2810
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 246

Research Interests

Innovation, New Product/Service Development, Product/Service Design, International Marketing

Management and performance implications of innovations in the automotive and pharmaceutical industries, development and launch of new products and services, foreign market selection, entry mode choice, adaptation to local markets


  • BS: Environmental Engineering, Istanbul Technical University - Istanbul, Turkey
  • MBA: Marketing, Sabanci University - Istanbul, Turkey
  • Ph D: Marketing, Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI
    Supporting Area: International Business
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Coevolutionary Dynamics of Market Competition: Product Innovation, Change and Marketplace Survival


Berk Talay, Ph.D., studies strategic marketing problems related with product competition among firms along with the global co-evolution of products, companies, and industries. He is currently involved in a set of large-scale projects, which examine the drivers of new product success in different markets with particular emphasis on competition, sustainability, and portfolio management.

His prior research involves the analyses of how and why innovations affect competitiveness over time, drivers of success and failure in inter-firm collaborations for new product development, and global evolution of brands. In the course of his research, Berk has worked on automotive, pharmaceutical, entertainment, and retailing industries.

Talay's work has appeared in top tier scholarly business journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of International Marketing, and Industrial Marketing Management, among others. He has also received several grants as PI or Co-PI from UMass Lowell, Marketing Science Institute, as well as Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) for his research projects on new products. He also serves at the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of Product Innovation Management and Industrial Marketing Management. His research has been highlighted in high-profile media outlets such as the BBC, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine, and Fast Company as well as other outlets as the Lowell Sun, Sentinel and Enterprise, and WalletHub.com.

Selected Publications

  • Talay, B.B., Pauwels, K. (Northeastern University), Seggie, S.H. (ESSEC Business School) (2024). Why and when to launch new products during a recession: An empirical investigation of the UK FMCG industry and the US automobile industry. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(2).
  • Talay, B.B., Akdeniz, M.B. (University of New Hampshire), Townsend, J.D. (Oakland University) (2023). Brand architecture: a literature review and future research directions.
  • Akdeniz, M. (University of New Hampshire), Talay, B.B., Kirca, A.H. (Michigan State University) (). Looking back to move forward: Reviews and analyses of literature in industrial marketing. Industrial Marketing Management.
  • Talay, B.B., Pauwels, K. (Northeastern University), Seggie, S.H. (ESSEC) (). Why and When to Launch New Products During a Recession: An Empirical Investigation of the UK FMCG Industry and the US Automobile Industry. SSRN
  • Gao, T., McGinnis, L.P., Talay, B.B. (2022). How Consumers’ Top Dog Antipathy Influences Their Underdog Support: A Study of Boundary Conditions. AIMS International Journal of Management, 16(3) 135-151.
  • Geleilate, J., Parente, R.C. (Florida International University), Talay, B.B. (). Can systems integration lead to improved performance? The role of strategic alliances. Industrial Marketing Management, 95(May 2021) 17-28.
  • Talay, M.B., Akdeniz, M.B. (University of New Hampshire), Obal, M., Townsend, J.D. (Oakland University) (2019). Stock Market Reactions to New Product Launches in International Markets: The Moderating Role of Culture . Journal of International Marketing, 27(4) 81-98.
  • Talay, B., Akdeniz, B. (University of New Hampshire), Kirca, A. (Michigan State University) (). Looking Back to Move Forward: Evolution of Scholarly Inquiry on Industrial Marketing. Industrial Marketing Management.
  • Chen, C., Gao, T., Talay, B.B. (2019). An Integrative Model of Individual-Level Online Word-of-Mouth Transmission. Journal of Marketing and Strategic Management, 12(January) 25-53.
  • Talay, M.B., Akdeniz, M.B., Kirca, A.H. (2017). When do the stock market returns to new product preannouncements predict product performance? Empirical evidence from the US automotive industry. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(4) 1–21.
  • Talay, B.B., Townsend, J.D., Yeniyurt, S. (2015). Global Brand Architecture Position and Market-Based Performance: The Moderating Role of Culture. Journal of International Marketing, 23(2) 55–72.
  • Talay, M.B. (University of Massachusetts Lowell ), Townsend, J.D. (2015). Do or die: competitive effects and Red Queen dynamics in the product survival race. Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(3) 721-738.
  • Talay, B.B., Akdeniz, M.B. (2014). In Time We Trust?: The Effects of Duration on the Dynamics of Trust-Building Processes in Inter-Organizational Relationships. Strategic Management Review, 8(1) 77–90.
  • Talay, B.B., Calantone, R.J., Voorhees, C.M. (2014). Coevolutionary dynamics of automotive competition: Product innovation, change, and marketplace survival. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(1) 61-78.
  • Akdeniz, M., Talay, B.B. (2013). Cultural variations in the use of marketing signals: A multilevel analysis of the motion picture industry. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(5) 601-624.
  • Talay, B.B., Cavusgil, S.T. (2009). Choice of ownership mode in joint ventures: An event history analysis from the automotive industry. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(1) 71-82.
  • Talay, B.B., Seggie, S.H., Cavusgil, E. (2009). Exploring correlates of product launch in collaborative ventures: An empirical investigation of pharmaceutical alliances. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(4) 360-370.
  • Townsend, J.D., Yeniyurt, S., Talay, B.B. (2009). Getting to global: An evolutionary perspective of brand expansion in international markets. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(4) 539-558.
  • Talay, B.B., Akdeniz, M.B. (2009). What causes break-ups? Factors driving the dissolution of marketing-oriented international joint ventures. Advances in International Marketing, 20 227–256.
  • Hult, G.M., Ketchen Jr., D.J., Griffith, D.A., Finnegan, C.A., Gonzalez-Padron, T., Harmancioglu, N., Huang, Y., Talay, B.B., Cavusgil, S.T. (2008). Data equivalence in cross-cultural international business research: Assessment and guidelines. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(6) 1027-1044.
  • Cavusgil, E., Seggie, S.H., Talay, B.B. (2007). Dynamic capabilities view: Foundations and research agenda. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15(2) 159-166.
  • Yeniyurt, S., Townsend, J.D., Talay, B.B. (2007). Factors influencing brand launch in a global marketplace. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 24(5) 471-485.

Selected Presentations

  • Global Product Launches and Firm Value: Evidence from Consumer Packaged Goods Brands - Academy of International Business US Northeast Conference, November 2018 - Philadelphia
  • Stock Market Returns from Global Product Launches: Evidence from Consumer Packaged Goods Brands - PDMA Conference, November 2018 - Chicago
  • Global Product Launches and Firm Performance - CIMar 2018, September 2018 - Atlanta, GA
  • A Contingency Perspective on the Relationship between New Product Preannouncements and Firm Value - 2018 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2018 - New Orleans, LA
  • Prophecy Or Myopia: Do Stock Market Returns Predict The Performance Of Marketing Actions? - 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference, February 2018 - New Orlans, LA
  • Assessing the Value of Global Product Launch - Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Conference, 2017 - Lisbon, Portugal
  • 25 Years of Research on Absorptive Capacity: A Bibliometric Investigation - Eastern Academy of Management Conference, May 2016
  • Is that a green halo...? Will adding a green product in the portfolio affect perceptions of anon - green product, - Innovation & Product Development Management Conference , 2015 - Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Is that a green halo…? Will adding a green product in the portfolio affect perceptions of anon-green product, 2015 - Kiel, Germany
  • Can a Halo be Green? The Effects of Sustainable New Product Attributes on Brand Perceptions - Product Development Management Association Academic Conference, 2014
  • Global Brands: Strategies and Market Based Performance - Consortium for International Marketing Research Conference, 2012 - Taipei, Taiwan
  • Cross-country Analysis of Conspicuous Consumption: The Case of the Automotive Industry - Informs Marketing Science Conference, 2012 - Boston, MA
  • Liability of Localness and Cross-Cultural Variance in Conspicuous Consumption: The Case of the Global Automotive Industry - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2011 - Coral Gables, FL
  • Performance Implications of Global Brands and the Moderating Role of Culture Values - American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, 2011 - San Francisco, CA
  • Global Coevolution: Factors Influencing the International Expansion Of Automotive Brands - Academy of International Business Conference, 2007 - Indianapolis, IN

Research Currently in Progress

  • Assessing the Financial Value of Global Product Launches
    Talay, B.B. (Co-Investigator) (UML), Obal, M. (Co-Investigator) (UML), Townsend, J.D. (Co-Investigator) (Oakland Universty)