
Spencer M. Ross, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Manning School of Business
Marketing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(978) 934-5305
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 232

Research Interests

Digital Marketing, Social Media Branding, Consumer Engagement with New Technology, Prosocial Consumption, Mindfulness, Transformative Consumer Research


  • Ph D: Marketing, (2013), University of Massachusetts Amherst - Amherst, Massachusetts
    Supporting Area: Research Methods
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Why do Consumers Consume Prosocially? The Equity Exchange Theory of Marketing
  • MBA: International Business, (2008), St. John's University - New York, New York
    Supporting Area: Marketing
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing of American and Western European Multinational Enterprises: A Longitudinal Study of Stakeholder Engagement
  • BA: Political Science, (2004), McGill University - Montreal, Canada
    Supporting Area: French Language and Literature

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Departmental Teaching Excellence Award (2021), Teaching - Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • 2019 Thomas C. Kinnear / Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Award (2019), Scholarship/Research - American Marketing Association
  • Best Paper Award (2017), Scholarship/Research - American Marketing Association
  • Professors Institute (2016), Scholarship/Research - Marketing EDGE
  • Certificate of Completion (2015), Teaching - Course Design Institute- Suffolk University
  • Honorable Mention- Best Student Paper (2013), Scholarship/Research - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference
  • AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow (2012), Scholarship/Research - University of Washington

Selected Publications

  • Drenten, J., Ekpo, A., Albinsson, P., Anong, S., Appau, S., Chatterjee, L., Dadzie, C., Echelbarger, M., Muldrow, A., Ross, S., Santana, S., Weinberger, M. (). The platformed money ecosystem: Digital financial platforms, datafication, and reimagining financial well-being. Journal of Consumer Affairs.
  • Ross, S., Milne, G.R. (University of Massachusetts Amherst) (2020). Price? Quality? Or Sustainability? Segmenting by Disposition to Self-Other Tradeoffs Predicts Consumers’ Sustainable Decision-Making. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Kapitan, S. (Auckland University of Technology Business School), Ross, S., Silvera, D. (University of Texas San Antonio) (2019). Small-Dollar Credit Lending: The Effect of Financial Burden on Personal Asset Misvaluation. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(3) 946-974.
  • Ross, S. (2019). Slack it to Me: Complementing LMS with Student-Centric Communications for the Millennial/Post-Millennial Student. Journal of Marketing Education, 41(2) 528-549.
  • Milne, G.R. (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Bahl, S. (The Reminding Project), Ross, S., Swani, K. (Wright State University) (2018). The Role of Mindfulness and Subjective Well-being on College Campuses (pp. 8-22).
  • Ross, S., Kapitan, S. (2018). Balancing Self/Collective-Interest: Equity Theory for Prosocial Consumption. European Journal of Marketing, 52(3/4) 528-549.
  • Ross, S., Dootson, P. (2017). Do I Care? Pathological Apathy in the Context of Sustainable Consumption (pp. 509-520). Springer International Publishing
  • Bahl, S., Milne, G.R., Ross, S., Mick, D.G., Grier, S.A., Chugani, S.K., Chan, S.S., Fisher, S., Cho, Y., Dorsey, J.D., Schindler, R.M., Murdock, M.R., Boesen-Mariani, S. (2016). Mindfulness: Transforming Consumer Well-Being at the Intersection of Marketing and Social Conditions. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, (2) 198.
  • Ross, S. (2015). Whither Simplicity? An Exploratory Study of The Antecedents of Voluntary Simplicity (pp. 20–29). Springer International Publishing
  • Bahl, S., Milne, G.R., Ross, S., Chan, K. (2013). Mindfulness: A Long-term Solution for Mindless Eating by College Students. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32(2) 173-184.
  • Shrum, L., Wong, N., Arif, F., Chugani, S.K., Gunz, A., Lowrey, T.M., Nairn, A., Pandelaere, M., Ross, S., Ruvio, A., others, . (2013). Reconceptualizing materialism as identity goal pursuits: Functions, processes, and consequences. Journal of Business Research, 66(8) 1179–1185.
  • Ross, S. (2013). Why do consumers consume prosocially? The equity exchange theory of marketing. University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Ross, S. (2011). Egoism and the Everyday Consumer: Developing a Theory on Prosocial Behaviors in Consumption Contexts. American Marketing Association
  • Davis, B., Pechmann, C., Grover, A., Kamins, M.A., Martin, I.M., Davis, S., Haws, K., Mirabito, A.M., Mukherjee, S., Pirouz, D., Ross, S. (2011). Introduction to the special issue on transformative consumer research for the journal of research for consumers. Journal of Research for Consumers, 19.
  • Wong, N., Shrum, L., Arif, F., Chugani, S., Gunz, A., Lowrey, T.M., Nairn, A., Pandelaere, M., Ross, S., Ruvio, A., others, . (2011). Rethinking materialism: A process view and some transformative consumer research implications. Journal of Research for Consumers, 19 1–4.
  • Ross, S. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing Communications of American and Western European Multinational Enterprises: A Longitudinal Study of Stakeholder Engagement. St. John's University

Selected Presentations

  • Consumer Well-Being in a Cashless Culture - Transformative Consumer Research Conference, June 2021 - Charlottesville, VA
  • An Exploration of the Cooperative: The Business Model as a Function of Sustainability - AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, June 2021 - Virtual
  • A Thematic Exploration of the Development of Investor-Owned Business-like Entitativity in the Member-Owned Cooperative - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, June 2021 - New York, NY (Virtual)
  • Pain of Panhandling: The Impact of P2P Apps on Impulsive Donations, - Association for Consumer Research Conference (Virtual), October 2020 - Paris, France (Virtual)
  • Off the (Block)Chain! The Effect of Knowledge Construals on Consumer Evaluations of Product Sustainability - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2020 - Coral Gables, Florida
  • Off the (Block)Chain! How Raw vs. Narrative Information Presentation Affects Product Sustainability Evaluations - AMA Marketing & Public Policy Annual Conference, May 2020 - Marina Del Rey, California
  • Pain of Panhandling: The Impact of P2P Apps on Impulsive Donations - AMA Marketing & Public Policy Annual Conference, June 2019 - Washington, D.C.
  • Venmo Me Money for Food: How Pain of Payment Affects Donations in a Cashless Society - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2019 - Vancouver, Canada
  • Explaining Consumer Indifference toward Sustainability in the Specialty Coffee Value Chain and What Might Be Done to Overcome It - Specialty Coffee Association Coffee Expo, April 2019 - Boston, MA
  • How Innovative Should We Seem? Brand Technology Adoption as Consumer Signaling Cue - Marketing EDGE Research Summit, October 2017 - New Orleans, LA
  • Improving the Post-Millennial Student Experience Through Student-Centered Content Communication - Marketing EDGE Research Summit, October 2017 - New Orleans, LA
  • That’s me eating the sushi: The influence of consumption visions on attitudes toward the product - Annual conference of Summer American Marketing Association (AMA), August 2017 - San Francisco, CA (Best Paper Awarded)
  • Do I Care? Pathological Apathy in the Context of Sustainable Consumption - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2017 - Coronado Island, CA
  • Does a Hologram Give an Encore? Authenticity in Mixed- Reality - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2017 - Coronado Island, CA
  • Does a Hologram Give an Encore? Virtual Experiential Consumption in the Context of a Human Reality - Marketing EDGE Research Summit, October 2016 - Los Angeles, CA
  • Virtuality in Marketing: Changing the Consumer Experience through Augmented, Virtual, and Holographic Realities - Marketing EDGE Research Summit, October 2016 - Los Angeles, CA
  • “@brand to @brand: The Role of Interbrand Communications in Consumer Evaluations of Interbrand Products - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2016 - Orlando, FL
  • Teaching and Learning Creatively: Stimulating Student Engagement - AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, February 2016 - Las Vegas, NV
  • “@brand to @brand: New Frontiers in Brand Relationships - AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, February 2016 - Las Vegas, NV
  • @brand to @brand: Consumer Evaluations of Interbrand Social Media Communications - Marketing EDGE Research Summit, October 2015 - Boston, MA
  • Student-Centered Content Communication with the Post-Millennial Marketing Student - Marketing EDGE Research Summit, October 2015 - Boston, MA
  • The Mindful Consumer - Transformative Consumer Research Conference, June 2015 - Villanova, PA
  • Equity Sensitivity and the Effect of Self-Interest on Prosocial Consumption Choices in the Price-Quality Context - AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, June 2014 - Boston, MA
  • @brand to @brand: Consumer Evaluations of Spillover Effects in Interbrand Communications - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2014 - Indianapolis, IN
  • We Clapped for the Hologram: Authenticity in Experiential Consumption - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2014 - Indianapolis, IN
  • A Temporal Construal Level Assessment of Retrospective Processing - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, October 2013 - Chicago, IL
  • Brand Reputation Under Siege: The Risks of Subversive Social Media Attacks - Marketing EDGE (formerly DMEF) Research Summit, October 2013 - Chicago, IL
  • The Changing Landscape of Consumers' Attitudes toward Database Marketing: 1997 vs. 2013 - Marketing EDGE (formerly DMEF) Research Summit, October 2013 - Chicago, IL
  • We Clapped for the Hologram: Authenticity in Experiential Consumption - Marketing EDGE (formerly DMEF) Research Summit, October 2013 - Chicago, IL
  • Equity Exchange Theory: An Explanation of Prosocial Consumption - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2013 - Monterey, CA
  • What Are They Reading? The Role of Networked Information Usage in the Classroom Environment - DMEF Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, October 2012 - Las Vegas, NV
  • Whither Simplicity? An Exploratory Study of the Antecedents of Voluntarily Simplicity - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 2012 - New Orleans, LA
  • The Role of Mindfulness in Explaining College Student Lifestyle Choices - Association for Marketing and Health Care Research Conference, March 2012 - Park City, UT
  • Egoism and the Everyday Consumer: Developing a New Theory on Prosocial Behaviors in Consumption Contexts - AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, August 2011 - San Francisco, California
  • The Impact of Mindfulness on Consumer Behaviors - AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, June 2011 - Washington, D.C

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Corporate Social Responsibility or Purpose-Driven Marketing? Re-aligning Company-Consumer Ethics (2021), Grant - Donahue Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
    Ross, S.
  • Using Blockchain to Promote Sustainable Consumption (2019), Grant - Donahue Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
    Ross, S.

Research Currently in Progress

  • An Exploration of the Cooperative Consumer: Sustainability as a Function of the Business Model
    Ross, S.M. (Co-Investigator) (UMass Lowell)
  • Augmenting Reality: A Marketing-Oriented Framework of the Reality-Virtuality Continuum
    Ross, S., Smith, A.N. (Suffolk University), Scholz, J. (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo)
  • Relationship-Based Sustainability and Consumers’ Roles in Fairer Value Chains through Fairer Marketplaces
    Ross, S.M. (Co-Investigator) (UMass Lowell)
  • Traceability or Transparency? Transforming Provenance Information from the Blockchain into Sustainability Narratives for Consumers
    Ross, S. (Co-Investigator) (UMass Lowell)