Tamara Montag Smit

Tamara Montag-Smit, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Manning School of Business
(978) 934-2856
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 353


  • Ph D: Industrial and Organizational Psychology, (2012), Saint Louis University - Saint Louis, MO
  • MS: Industrial/Organizational Psychology, (2009), Saint Louis University - Saint Louis, MO, USA
  • BA: Psychology; German, (2005), Marquette University - Milwaukee, WI, USA
    Supporting Area: Human Resource Management

Selected Publications

  • Merriman, K.K., Kostanski, S., Ebrahimi, N., Montag-Smit, T. (2025). The Signaling Effect of Biophilic Job Posts: Do Applicants Trade Green for Green? Human Resource Management .
  • Feldman, E., Kostanski, S., Ebrahimi, N., Montag-Smit, T. (). Relationships and Loneliness in Evolving Work Contexts: The Social Implications of Virtual Jobs and Gig Arrangements. Bloomsbury Press
  • Montag-Smit, T. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Evans, K. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Smit, B.W. (Bentley University), Batz-Barbarich, C. (Lake Forest College) (2023). Why Pay Transparency Regulations Are a Strategic Management Opportunity. MIT Sloan Management Review
  • Montag-Smit, T., Keith, M. (2023). Changes in Positive and Negative Affect during Creative Process Engagement. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 57(4) 690-710.
  • Mantel, S., Montag-Smit, T., Kardes, F., Barchetti, A. (2022). The influence of positive affect on sensitivity to important omissions. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Leavens, T., Merriman, K., Montag-Smit, T., Greenway, D. (2021). The New Strategic Road Map for Attracting and Retaining Working Parents (63:1 pp. 1-4). MIT Sloan Management Review
  • Merriman, K.K., Greenway, D., Montag-Smit, T. (2021). Employees Are Feeling Burned Over Broken Work-From-Home Promises and Corporate Culture ‘BS’ as Employers Try to Bring Them Back to the Office (May 19, 2021). The Conversation
  • Montag-Smit, T., Smit, B. (Bentley University) (2020). What are you hiding? Employee attributions for pay secrecy policies. Human Resource Management Journal.
  • Smit, B.W., Montag-Smit, T. (2019). The pay transparency dilemma: Development and validation of the Pay Information Exchange Preferences Scale. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(4) 537-558.
  • Smit, B.W., Montag-Smit, T. (2018). The role of pay secrecy policies and employee secrecy preferences in shaping job attitudes. Human Resource Management Journal, 28(2) 304-324.
  • Montag-Smit, T., Maertz, C.P. (2017). Searching outside the box in creative problem solving: The role of creative thinking skills and domain knowledge. Journal of Business Research, 81 1-10.
  • Smit, B.W., Maloney, P.W., Maertz, C.P., Montag-Smit, T. (2016). Out of sight, out of mind? How and when cognitive role transition episodes influence employee performance. Human Relations, 69(11) 2141-2168.
  • Montag-Smit, T., Campo, J., Weissman, J., Walmsley, A., Snell, A. (2012). In Their Own Words: Best Practices for Advising Millennial Students about Majors. NACADA Journal, 32(2) 26-35.
  • Montag-Smit, T., Maertz, C.P., Baer, M. (2012). A Critical Analysis of the Workplace Creativity Criterion Space. Journal of Management, 38(4) 1362-1386.

Selected Presentations

  • Transparency increases negotiation rates for men and women alike - 78th annual meeting for the Academy of Management, August 2019 - Boston, MA

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Total Worker Health Employer Crisis Preparedness (2022), Grant - Department of Health and Human Services
    Roelofs, C. (Principal), Montag-Smit, T. (Co-Principal)
  • The Effects of Transparency on Negotiation Initiation for Women and Men (2020), Grant - Donahue Center for Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
    Montag-Smit, T. (Principal), Evans, K. (Co-Principal)
  • Role of pay secrecy in the gender wage gap (2016), Grant - Indiana Academy of Science
    Montag-Smit, T., Smit, B.