Amit Deokar,  Assistant Professor of MIS Manning School of Business University of Massachusetts Lowell

Amit Deokar, Ph.D.

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs & Accreditation; Associate Professor

Manning School of Business
Operations and Information Systems
(978) 934-5524
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 211
Profile Links

Research Interests

Business Analytics, Machine Learning (Data Mining, Text Mining, Artificial Intelligence), Enterprise Data Management, Business Process Management, and Collaboration Processes


  • Ph D: Management Information Systems, (2006), The University of Arizona
  • MS: Industrial Engineering, (2002), The University of Arizona
  • BS: Mechanical Engineering, (2000), V.J. Technological Institute, University of Mumbai


Amit V. Deokar is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs & Accreditation for the Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Dr. Deokar received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona and has prior education in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Deokar's current research is in the areas of data analytics and business process management. He has delivered invited keynote talks on the advancement and adoption of Generative AI in higher education and businesses. He is involved in building industry collaborations and serves as a consultant to organizations in these topic areas. Dr. Deokar has co-authored a popular textbook "Machine Learning for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in RapidMiner." He has published articles in journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, Business Process Management Journal, and IEEE Transactions.

Dr. Deokar has held editorial positions in various journals including serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the e-Service Journal and as an editorial board member of Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Decision Systems, and Business Process Management Journal journals. He currently serves as Associate Vice President of Technology for the Association for Information Systems (AIS) and an advisory board member of the AIS Special Interest Group on Decision Support and Analytics (SIGDSA). In the past, he has served as the Program Co-Chair for the AMCIS 2024 international conference, Chair of AIS SIGDSA, and the President of the Midwest Chapter of AIS (MWAIS). In recognition of his research and leadership role in the Information Systems discipline, Dr. Deokar was designated as Association for Information Systems Distinguished Member Cum Laude.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • AIS Distinguished (cum laude) Member (2020), Leadership - Association for Information Systems
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2020), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • IBM Faculty Award (Analytics focus area) (2014), Scholarship/Research - IBM
  • Merill D. Hunter Award for Excellence in Research (2010), Scholarship/Research - Dakota State University

Selected Publications

  • Ahmed, A., Deokar, A., Lee, H., Summerfield, N. (2024). The role of commitment in online reputation systems: An empirical study of express delivery promise in an E-commerce platform. Decision Support Systems, 176 114061.
  • Ghosh, K., Deokar, A., Sen, S. (2023). Impact of using online health management tools on patient perception of healthcare quality: A multiple chronic conditions and generational perspective. Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
  • Shmueli, G., Bruce, P.C., Deokar, A.V., Patel, N.R. (2023). Machine Learning for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in RapidMiner (1st Edition pp. 700). John Wiley & Sons
  • Sen, S., Deokar, A. (2022). Toward understanding variations in price and billing in US healthcare services: A predictive analytics approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 209 118241.
  • Tripathi, S., Deokar, A.V., Ajjan, H. (2021). Understanding the order effect of online reviews: A text mining perspective. Information Systems Frontiers, 24 1971-1988.
  • Deokar, A., Tao, J. (2021). OrgMiner: A framework for discovering user-related process intelligence from event logs. Information Systems Frontiers, 25 753-772.
  • Ahmed, A., Deokar, A., Lee, H. (2021). Vulnerability disclosure mechanisms: A synthesis and framework for market-based and non-market-based disclosures. Decision Support Systems, 148 113586.
  • Summerfield, N., Deokar, A., Xu, M., Zhu, W. (2021). Should drivers cooperate? Performance evaluation of cooperative navigation on simulated road networks using network DEA. Journal of the Operational Research Society , 72(5) 1042-1057.
  • Sen, S., Deokar, A.V. (2021). Discovering healthcare provider behavior patterns through the lens of Medicare excess charge. BMC Health Services Research, 21(2).
  • Zhang, C., Gupta, A., Kauten, C., Deokar, A., Qin, X. (2019). Detecting fake news for reducing misinformation risks using analytics approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3) 1036-1052.
  • Motiwalla, L.F., Deokar, A., Sarnikar, S., Dimoka, A. (2019). Leveraging data analytics for behavioral research. Information Systems Frontiers, 21 735–742.
  • Tao, J., Deokar, A., Deshmukh, A. (2018). Analysing forward-looking statements in initial public offering prospectuses: A text analytics approach. Journal of Business Analytics, 1(1) 54-70.
  • Deokar, A., Gupta, A., Iyer, L.S., Jones, M.C. (2018). Analytics and Data Science: Advances in Research and Pedagogy (Edited) (Series: Annals of Information Systems) (21: pp. 297). Springer International Publishing AG
  • Gupta, A., Deokar, A., Iyer, L., Sharda, R., Schrader, D. (2018). Big data & analytics for societal impact: Recent research and trends. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(2) 185-194.
  • Siering, M., Deokar, A., Janze, C. (2018). Disentangling consumer recommendations: Explaining and predicting airline recommendations based on online reviews. Decision Support Systems, 107 52-63.
  • Sarnikar, S., Deokar, A. (2017). A design approach for process-based knowledge management systems. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(4) 693-717.
  • Pick, J.B., Turetken, O., Deokar, A., Sarkar, A. (2017). Location analytics and decision support: Reflections on recent advancements, a research framework, and the path ahead. Decision Support Systems, 99 1-8.
  • Siering, M., Koch, J., Deokar, A. (2016). Detecting fraudulent behavior on crowdfunding platforms: The role of linguistic and content-based cues in static and dynamic contexts. . Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(2) 421-455.
  • Bishop, D., Deokar, A., Sarnikar, S. (2016). On understanding preference for agile methods among software developers. Information Resource Management Journal, 29(3) 12–36.
  • Little, T.A., Deokar, A. (2016). Understanding knowledge creation in the context of knowledge-intensive business processes. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(5) 858–879.
  • Deokar, A., Sarnikar, S. (2016). Understanding process change management in electronic health record implementations. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 14(4) 733–766.
  • Deokar, A., Tao, J. (2015). Semantics-based event log aggregation for process mining and analytics. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(6) 1209–1226.
  • Padhy, B., Emo, K., Djira, G., Deokar, A. (2015). Analyzing factors influencing teaching as a career choice using structural equation modeling. SAGE Open, 5(1) 1–12.
  • Deokar, A., Sen, S. (2014). Information buried in information technology service contracts: Extracting process–performance interrelationships. INFORMS Service Science, 6(3) 161–178.
  • El-Gayar, O.F., Deokar, A. (2013). A semantic service-oriented architecture for distributed model management systems. Decision Support Systems, 55(1) 374–384.
  • Deokar, A., El-Gayar, O.F. (2013). On semantic annotation of decision models. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 11(1) 93–117.
  • Helquist, J.H., Deokar, A., Cox, J.J., Walker, A. (2012). Analyzing process uncertainty through virtual process simulation. Business Process Management Journal, 18(1) 4–19.
  • Helquist, J.H., Deokar, A., Meservy, T.O., Kruse, J. (2011). Dynamic collaboration: Participant-driven agile processes for complex tasks. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 42(2) 95–115.
  • Deokar, A., Meservy, T.O., Helquist, J.H., Kruse, J. (2011). Understanding collaboration success in context of cognitive and social presence. International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT, 1(3) 18–33.
  • Deokar, A., El-Gayar, O.F. (2011). Decision-enabled dynamic process management for networked enterprises. Information Systems Frontiers, 13(5) 655–668.
  • El-Gayar, O.F., Deokar, A., Tao, J. (2011). DSS-CMM: A capability maturity model for DSS development processes. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 3(4) 14–34.
  • El-Gayar, O.F., Deokar, A., Wills, M.J. (2010). Evaluating task-technology fit and user performance for an electronic health record system. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 11(1/2) 50-65.
  • Dittman, D., Hawkes, M., Deokar, A., Sarnikar, S. (2010). Improving virtual team collaboration outcomes through collaboration process structuring. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education Journal, 11(4) 195–209.
  • Wills, M.J., Sarnikar, S., El-Gayar, O.F., Deokar, A. (2010). Information systems and healthcare XXXIV: Clinical knowledge management systems—literature review and research issues for information systems. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 26(1).
  • Burgoon, J.K., Twitchell, D.P., Jensen, M.L., Meservy, T.O., Adkins, M., Kruse, J., Deokar, A., Tsechpenakis, G., Lu, S., Metaxas, D.N., Nunamaker Jr., J.F., Younger, R.E. (2009). Detecting concealment of intent in transportation screening: A proof of concept. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10(1) 103–112.
  • Deokar, A., Kolfschoten, G.L., de Vreede, G. (2008). Prescriptive workflow design for collaboration-intensive processes using the Collaboration Engineering approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 9(4) 11–20.
  • Cao, J., Crews, J.M., Lin, M., Deokar, A., Burgoon, J.K., Nunamaker Jr., J.F. (2006). Interactions between system evaluation and theory testing: A demonstration of the power of a multifaceted approach to systems research. Journal of Management Information Systems, 22(4) 207–235.