Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (MEI) faculty members have produced more than 40 published articles selected in Financial Times Top 50 journals, including:

  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Marketing Research
  • Journal of Operations Management
  • Management Science
  • Organization Science
  • Research Policy
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Strategic Management Journal

The MEI faculty also have several publications in other highly respected journals, which are, although not in Financial Times Top 50, ranked A* or A in the ABDC Journal Quality List, including:

European Journal of Operational Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Service Research and Journal of World Business.


I. Books/Book Chapters

Michael Ciuchta
Ciuchta, M., Santos, R. S., Jia, P., Yacus, A. M. (2019). Crowdfunding Platforms: Taking Stock and Looking Forward. In Hans Landström, Annaleena Parhankangas, Colin Mason (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Crowdfunding (pp. 94-121). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 

Denise Dunlap
Dunlap, D. (2019). Jaan-Pechaan. In Ledeneva, A., et. al (Ed.), The Global Encyclopedia of Informality (97-100 ed., vol. 1). UCL Press.

II. Journal Articles

Michael Ciuchta
Ciuchta, M., Finch, D. (2019). The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 11. 

Stevenson, R., Ciuchta, M., Letwin, C., Dinger, J., Vancouver, J. (2019). Out of Control or Right on the Money? Funder Self-Efficacy and Crowd Bias in Equity Crowdfunding. Journal of Business Venturing, 34, 348-367. 

O'Toole, J., Ciuchta, M. (2019) The liability of newer than newness: Aspiring entrepreneurs and legitimacy. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 26 (3), 539-558.

Denise Dunlap
Ding, E., Ensom, E., Hafer, N., Buchholz, B., Picard, M. A., Dunlap, D., Rogers, E., Lawton, C., Koren, A., Lilly, C., Fitzgibbons, T., McManus, D. (2019). Point-of-care technologies in heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders from the Center for Advancing Point-of-Care Technologies. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 11, 58-67.

Tony Gao
Gao, Tao (Tony) and Lee P. McGinnis (2019, Forthcoming), “Building and Selling an Underdog Consumption Experience.” Accepted for publication at Journal of Small Business Strategy.

Gao, Tao (Tony) (2019 Forthcoming), “Plural Forms of Governance for International Strategic Alliances: Toward an Integrative Framework,” International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Accepted for publication.

McGinnis, Lee P., Tao (Tony) Gao, and M. Berk Talay (2019, Forthcoming), “Translation of Top Dog Antipathy into Underdog Support: A Study of Boundary Conditions.” Accepted for publication at Journal of Marketing and Strategic Management.

Chen, Cuiping and Tao (Tony) Gao (2019), “Sender Outcomes of Online Word-of-Mouth Transmission,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36 (1), 197-205.

Ying Huang
Kaffash, S., Azizi, R., Huang, Y., & Zhu, J. A Survey of Data Envelopment Analysis Applications in the Insurance Industry 1993-2018. European Journal of Operational Research

Ann Kronrod
Kronrod Ann and Joshua Ackerman (2019). I'm so touched! Self-touch increases attitude extremity via self-focused attention. Acta Psychologica, 195, 12-21.

Kronrod, Ann and Joel Huber (2019). Ad Wearout Wearout: How Time Can Reverse the Negative Effect of Frequent Ad Repetition on Brand Preference. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(2), 306-324.

Grinstein, Amir, Henrik Hagtvedt, and Ann Kronrod (2019) "Aesthetically (dis)pleasing visuals: A dual pathway to empathy and prosocial behavior," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(1), 83-99 [EDITOR’S CHOICE ARTICLE (articles on new and cutting edge topics)].

Michael Obal
Talay, M. B., Akdeniz, M. B., Obal, M., and Townsend, J. D. (2019), “Stock Market Reactions to New Product Launches in International Markets: The Moderating Role of Culture,” Journal of International Marketing, 27(4), 81-98.

Petrovici, D., Obal, M., Walton, B., and Fearne, A. (2019), “The Role of Market Knowledge Type on Product Innovation Performance,” International Journal of Innovation Management, 2050046.

Mumi, A., Obal, M., and Yang, Y. (2019), “Investigating Social Media as a Firm’s Signaling Strategy Through an IPO,” Small Business Economics, 53(3), 631-645.

Ibrahim, S. and Obal, M. (2019), “Evaluating the Impact of Technology Adoption on the New Product Development Process,” International Journal of Innovation Management, 2050035.

Spencer Ross
Ross, S. (2019). Slack it to Me: Complementing LMS with Student-Centric Communications for the Millennial/Post-Millennial Student. Journal of Marketing Education, 41(2), 528-549.

Kapitan, S., Ross, S., Silvera, D. (2019). Small-Dollar Credit Lending: The Effect of Financial Burden on Personal Asset Misvaluation. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(3), 946-974.

Li Sun
Lee, Ruby, Jelena Spanjol, and Sunny Li Sun. Social innovation in an interconnected world: Introduction to special issue, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(5), 662-670.

Markoczy, Livia, Sunny Li Sun, and Jigao Zhu. The glass pyramid: Informal gender status hierarchy on boards, Journal of Business Ethics.

Wang, Joyce Congying, Livia Markoczy, Sunny Li Sun, and Mike Peng. She'-E-O compensation gap: A role congruity view. Journal of Business Ethics. 159(3): 745-760.

Zhang, Wei, Sunny Li Sun, Yuan Jiang, and Wenyao Zhang. Openness to experience and team creativity: Effects of knowledge sharing and transformational leadership. Creativity Research Journal, 31(1): 62-73.

Sun, Sunny Li, Yanli Zhang, Yuhua Cao, Jielin Dong, John Cantwell. Enriching innovation ecosystems: The role of government in a university science park. Global Transitions, 1(1): 104-119.

Chen, Victor (Zitian) and Sunny Li Sun. Barbarians at the gate of the middle kingdom: The international mobility of financial contracting and governance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 43(4): 802-837.

Yang, Xiaoming, Sunny Li Sun, and Xiangyang Zhao. Search and execution: Examining the entrepreneurial cognitions behind the lean startup model. Small Business Economics. 52(3): 667–679.

Sun, Sunny Li and Bo Zou. Generative capability. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 66(4): 636-649.

Sun, Sunny Li, Victor (Zitian) Chen, Sanwar Sunny, and Jie Chen. Venture capital as an innovation ecosystem engineer in an emerging market. International Business Review. 29(5): 101485.

Hofman, Peter, Lei Li, Sunny Li Sun, Yanxue Sun. Institutional drivers of stakeholder engagement and legitimacy of Chinese MNEs. In L.C. Leonidou, C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, and C.N. Leonidou (Eds.) Socially-responsible International Business: Critical Issues and the Way Forward, MA: Edward Elgar.

Berk Talay
Talay, M. B., Akdeniz, M. B., Obal, M., Townsend, J. D. (2019). Stock Market Reactions to New Product Launches in International Markets: The Moderating Role of Culture. Journal of International Marketing, 27(4), 81-98.

Kirca, A., Talay, B., Akdeniz, B., Randhawa, P. The Interactive Effects Of Product And Brand Portfolio Strategies On Brand Performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing.

Chen, C., Gao, T., Talay, B. B. (2019). An Integrative Model of Individual-Level Online Wordof-Mouth Transmission. Journal of Marketing and Strategic Management, 12(January), 25-53.

Talay, B., Akdeniz, B., Kirca, A. (in press). Looking Back to Move Forward: Evolution of Scholarly Inquiry on Industrial Marketing. Industrial Marketing Management.

McGinnies, L., Gao, T., Talay, B. B. (in press). Translation of Top Dog Antipathy into Underdog Support: A Study of Boundary Conditions. Journal of Services Marketing.

Yi Yang
Mumi, A., Obal, M., Yang, Y. (2019). Investigating social media as a firm’s signaling strategy through an IPO. Small Business Economics, 53(3), 631-645.

Yacus, A., Elif, S., Yang, Y. (2019). The Influence of Funding Approaches, Growth Expectations, and Industry Gender Distribution on High‐Growth Women Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management, 57(1), 59-80.

Balasubramanin, S., Yang, Y., Tello, S. F. (in press). Does university entrepreneurial orientation matter? Evidence from university performance and regional economic development. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Jiang, R., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Liang, L (in press). Corporate Diversification, Firm Productivity and Resource Allocation Decisions: The Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Journal of Operational Research Society.

Mark Yim
Yim, M.Y., & Yoo, C. (accepted), “Are digital menus really better than traditional menus? The mediating role of consumption vision and menu enjoyment,” Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Yim, M.Y., & Park, S. (2019), ““I am not satisfied with my body, so I like augmented reality (AR)” Consumer responses to AR-based product presentations,” Journal of Business Research, 100, 581-589.

Eunsang Yoon
A manuscript accepted for publication: “New product success: The role of serial innovators for Time-to-Market,” International Journal of Business Research (Forthcoming, March 2020).

III. Awards

Spencer Ross
2019 Thomas C. Kinnear / Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Award, American Marketing Association. (May 2019).

Li Sun
Global Peer Review Award by Publons (top 1% of global reviewers in Economics & Business.

The Decade Award (2009-2019) in Academy of Management Perspectives.

Emerald Literati Award for Excellent (Judged by Emerald's journal and book series editorial boards based on the ability to demonstrate excellence and impact in their field).


I. Books/Book Chapters

Denise Dunlap
Libaers, D., Dunlap, D. (2018) "The world scientific reference on innovation: University technology transfer and academic entrepreneurship," World Scientific Publishers Vol. 1

Li Sun
Sun, L. (2018). Red Team Strategy. Beijing: China Machine Press.

II. Journal Articles

Michael Ciuchta
Eckhardt, J., Ciuchta, M., Carpenter, M.A. (2018) "Open Innovation, Information, and Entrepreneurship within Platform Ecosystems," Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, FT 50 journal

Denise Dunlap
Dunlap, D. (2018) "Jaan-Pechaan," UCL Press 1:97-100
Marion, T., Friar, J., Dunlap, D. (2018) "Startups and TTOs: Fostering entrepreneurship at a large research university," World Scientific Publishers Vol 1 1: pp. 61-77

Tony Gao
Gao, T., Neelankavil, J.P., Viswanathan, K. (2018) "A Three-Market Comparative Study on Determinants of Firm Performance: The Commercial Banking Industry," AIMS International Journal of Management. 12:2 pp. 99-119.

Ying Huang

Du, J., Chen, Y., Huang, Y. (2018) "A Modified Malmquist-Luenberger Productivity Index: Assessing Environmental Productivity Performance in China.," European Journal of Operational Research 269:1 pp. 171–187.

Yang, F., Wei, F., Li, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, Y. (2018) "Expected efficiency based on directional distance function in data envelopment analysis," Computers & Industrial Engineering 125: pp. 33–45.

Liu, Y., Huang, Y., Fan, H. (2018) "Influence tactics, relational contexts, and key account managers’ performance," Industrial Marketing Management 73:August pp. 220–231

Hannigan, E., Huang, Y. (2018) "Home Depot: Opportunities and Challenges in China," Retailing Management (10e) by Levy and Weitz pp. 496-499. Erin Hannigan was an undergraduate student at UML.

Ann Kronrod

Kronrod, A., Bart, Y. (2018) "Taking a Leaf Out of a Review: The Asymmetrical Link between Linguistic Similarity and Attitude Certainty for Writers and Readers of Product Reviews," Association for Consumer Research, October 2018.

Katz, D., Kronrod, A., Grinstein, A., Nisan, U., (2018) "Still Waters Run Deep: Comparing Assertive and Suggestive Language in Water Conservation Campaigns," Water 10: pp. 275

Michael Obal

Morgan, T., Obal, M., Anokhin, S. (2018) "Customer Participation and New Product Performance: Towards the Understanding of the Mechanisms and Key Contingencies," Research Policy 47:2 pp. 498-510, FT 50 Journal

Obal, M., Morgan, T. (2018) "Investigating the Moderating Effects of Perceived Technological Change on Sales Force Acceptance," Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing

Thomas, E., Obal, M. (2018) "Type of Knowledge Sharing and its Impact on Collaborative New Product Development," International Journal of Innovation Management 22:02 pp. 24

Spencer Ross
Ross, S., Kapitan, S. (2018) "Balancing Self/Collective-Interest: Equity Theory for Prosocial Consumption," European Journal of Marketing 52:3/4 pp. 528-549

Li Sun

Sun, L., Zou, B. (2018) Generative capability. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 

Dong, X., Gao, J., Sun, L., Ye, K. (2018) " Doing extreme by doing good," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, forthcoming

Sun, L., Xiao, J., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X. (2018) "Building business models through simple rules," Multinational Business Review

Liang, H., Marquis, C., Renneboog, L., Sun, L. (2018) "Future-time framing: The effect of language on corporate future orientation," Organization Science, forthcoming: FT 50 Journal

Sun, S.L., Chen, V.Z., Sunny, S., Chen, J. (2018) "Venture capital as an innovation ecosystem engineer in an emerging market," International Business Review

Yi Yang

Tribbitt, M.A., Yang, Y. (2018) "Takeover defense, collective action and the top management team," Management Research Review

He, W., Yang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhu, J. (2018) "Estimation and allocation of cost savings from collaborative CO2 abatement in China," Energy Economics 72: pp. 62-74

Zhou, H., Yang, Y., Chen, Y. Zhu, J. (2018) "DEA application in sustainability: The origins, development and future directions," European Journal of Operational Research 264: pp. 1-16

Mark Yim
Yim, M.Y., Baek, T., Sauer, P.L. (2018), “I see myself in service and product consumptions: Measuring self-transformative consumption vision (SCV) evoked by static and rich media,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 44, 122-139.

Kim, Y. *, & Yim, M.Y.* (2018), “When nostalgia marketing backfires: Gender differences in the impact of nostalgia on youthfulness for older consumers,” Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32 (6), 815-822. * Both authors contributed equally to this work.

Park, S., Yim, M.Y. (accepted), "Do celebrity endorsements benefit familiar luxury brands? A perspective from social adaption theory," Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising.

III. Awards

Atthaphon Mumi, Michael Ciuchta, & Yi Yang
Academy of Management Annual Conference Best Accepted Paper (2018) - ENT Division

Mark Tribbitt & Yi Yang
Highly Commended in Emerald Literati Award (2018), Emerald Publishing

Yi Yang & Saria Latif
Best Paper in Strategy and International Business (2018), Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference

Sunny Li Sun
Publons Peer Review Award 2018 for placing in the top 1% of global reviewers in Economics & Business.
The Best Paper Award in Academy of Management Conference 2018.

Mark Yim
Outstanding Reviewer Award (2018), Journal of Interactive Advertising, American Academy of Advertising (AAA)

IV. Media Mentions

Sunny Li Sun
Book recommendation: Red Team Strategy (in Chinese) by CCTV, the predominant state television broadcaster in China, May 22, 2018.

Reading Hour No. 235: Red Team Strategy (in Chinese) by Mango TV, 2018.

"The official language used by companies can shape corporate future orientation" by New Fortune Times (Singapore), July 11, 2018

V. Editorship and Editorial Board Member

Ann Kronrod

Editorial Board: International Journal of Advertising

Editorial Board candidate: Journal of Consumer Research

Sunny Li Sun
Co-guest editor of special issues of Asia Pacific Journal of Management: Institutions and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. Conference Co-chair, Nankai University, June 20-21, 2018.

Co-guest editor of special issues of Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM): Social Innovation in an Interconnected World. SI Research Forum Co-chair, Chicago, Nov. 3-4, 2018.

Editor, Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications (AJMSA); Foreign Economics & Management (in Chinese).

Editorial Board: Journal of Management Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, Quarterly Journal of Management.

Mark Yim
Editorial Board: International Journal of Advertising


I. Journal Publications

Denise Dunlap

A. B. Cyrino, R. Parente, D. Dunlap (new faculty), & B. B. de Góes, (2017) "A critical assessment of Brazilian manufacturing competitiveness in foreign markets", Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, Vol. 27 Issue: 3, pp.253-274,

Klueter, T., Monteiro, F., & Dunlap, D. (2017). Standard vs. partnership-embedded licensing: Attention and the relationship between licensing and product innovations. 

Deborah Finch

Mehta, A., Yoon, E., Finch, D., Kulkarni, N. (2017), “An exploratory study of entrepreneurship education in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment” Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p120, 19 p

Tony Gao

McGinnis, L., Gao, T., Jun, S., Gentry, J.W. (2017), "Motivational Bases for Consumers’ Underdog Affection in Commerce," Journal of Service Management, 28 (3), 563-592. 

Ying Huang

A diagnostic model of private control and collective control in buyer-supplier relationships. By Ying Huang, with Liu, Y., Luo, Y., & Yang, Q.  Industrial Marketing Management, 63, 116-128. 

Sustaining relationships after opportunism and misunderstanding: the role of formalization and socialization. By Ying Huang, with Zhang, C., & Li, J., Marketing Letters, 28(2), 305-319.

Ashwin Mehta

Mehta, A., Yoon, E., Finch, D., Kulkarni, N. (2017), “An exploratory study of entrepreneurship education in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment” Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p120, 19 p

Michael Obal

Obal, M. W., & Lv, W. (2017). Improving banner ad strategies through predictive modeling. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(2), 198-212.

Thomas, E. and Obal, M. (2017), “The Impact of Environmental Dynamics on Producer-Supplier Collaborations in New Product Development,” forthcoming at International Journal of Innovation Management

Li Sun

Weilei (Stone) Shi, Sunny Li Sun (new faculty), Daying Yan, and Zhu Zhu (2017). Institutional fragility and outward foreign direct investment from China. Journal of International Business Studies (Financial Times 50). 48(4): 452–476. DOI: 10.1057/s41267-016-0050-z.

Sarma, Sumita and Sunny Li Sun (2017). The genesis of fabless business model: Institutional entrepreneurs in an adaptive ecosystem. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 34(3), 587-617. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-016-9488-6. 

Sun, Sunny Li, Bo Zou, and Quan, Iris, Xiaohong (2017) Opportunity Co-creation: Increasing the return from university’s research and development, EIBS Business Review. July: 36-42

Yang, Xiaoming, Sunny Li Sun, and Xiangyang Zhao (2017). Search and execution: Examining the entrepreneurial cognitions behind the lean startup model. Small Business Economics. 

Berk Talay

Talay, M. B., Akdeniz, M. B., & Kirca, A. H. (2017). When do the stock market returns to new product preannouncements predict product performance? Empirical evidence from the US automotive industry. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Financial Times 50), 45(4), 513-533.

Mark Yim

Yim, M.Y., Chu, S., & Sauer, P. (2017), “Is augmented reality technology an effective tool for e-commerce? An interactivity and vividness perspective,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 39, 89-103.

Yim, M.Y., Abdourazakou, Y., Sauer, P., & Park, S. (2017), “Modelling the dimensionality effects on brand placement effectiveness in stereoscopic 3-D versus 2-D sports games,” International Journal of Advertising. 

Yi Yang

Chen, T., Tribbitt, M., Yang, Y. & Li, X. (2017) Does rivals’ innovation mater? A competitive dynamics perspective on firms; product strategy. Journal of Business Research, 76: 1-7.

Zhou, H., Yang, Y., Chen, Y. & Zhu, J. DEA application in sustainability: The origins, development and future directions.  Forthcoming at the European Journal of Operational Research.

Eunsang Yoon

Eunsang Yoon, “Timing of market entry for new products,” Chief Executive: The monthly magazine for Top Management, Vol. 175 (June, 2017), 70-75.

Mehta, A., Yoon, E., Finch, D., Kulkarni, N. (2017), “An exploratory study of entrepreneurship education in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment” Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p120, 19 p

II. Awards

Sunny Li Sun is the recipient of the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence at the AOM conference. 

Mark Yim and Spencer Ross are the recipients of the Best Paper at the 2017 AMA Summer Conference.  

Yim, M., Rivas, R., Kim, Y., Kim, E., & Ross, S., “That’s Me Eating the Sushi! The Influence of Consumption Visions on Attitudes toward the Product”.

I. Media Mentions

Berk Talay’s article “Liability of Localness and Cross-Cultural Variance in Conspicuous Consumption: The Case of the Global Automotive Industry” was mentioned at the Wall Street Journal last week. The article was published on 7/30/2017. 

Tony Gao an article written by a USA Today reporter on liquidation sales, where he quoted our own Dr. Tony Gao!  The article appears in, which is a part of the USA Today network and its contents frequently show in the Tech section of the USA Today website (  

II. Keynote Speech

Eunsang Yoon delivered a key note speech, “An innovative, entrepreneurial, and marketing approach,” at the 2nd PSM Symposium: "Science meets Business," organized by the Korea Management Association Consulting (KMAC), (June 7, 2016), Seoul, South Korea.