Students: All matriculated students will receive an email with their temporary password and instructions for claiming their associated account.
Any undergraduate on-campus admitted students not yet matriculated and enrolled can review the temporary password in their admissions portal.
If you need assistance or have other account questions, please contact TechServices at 978-934-4357.
Faculty / Staff: If you are trying to claim your account for the first time and you do NOT have a temporary password, please call TechServices at 978-934-4357 to have a temporary password issued, and then follow the instructions below.
Claiming Instructions:
- Once you have a temporary password, navigate to the My Account Overview page.
- You will be prompted to set up Microsoft Authenticator for Multi-factor authentication (MFA). Follow the instructions in the wizard to enroll.
- Once you have completed enrolling in MFA, you will be asked to set a new password
- Minimum password length is 16 characters
- Passwords must include at least 3 of the following:
- One upper-case character
- One lower-case character
- One special character (i.e. ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /)
- One numeric character
- After setting a new password, your account will be provisioned and ready for use.