Susan Sama is an Research Professor in the Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences,  Public Health Department.

Susan R. Sama, Sc.D., RN

Research Professor

Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences
Public Health
820 Broadway St.

Research Interests

Preventive interventions and effectiveness evaluation; Occupational safety and health and risk of sharps injuries in the home care industry; Occupational and environmental epidemiology; Nonmalignant respiratory diseases including environmental exposures and exacerbation of asthma and COPD; occupational lifting and risk of retinal detachment; COVID-19 related occupational health and safety guidance for home care workers; Risk factors for severe COVID and Long-COVID (post-acute sequelae of COVID-19; PASC) to better understand etiology and target prevention.


  • Sc.D: Epidemiology/Work Environment Department, (1996), University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • M.S.: Epidemiology, (1990), University of Massachusetts Lowell, - Lowell, MA
  • B.S.: Nursing, (1987), University of Massachusetts Lowell


Susan Sama is a Research Professor in the Department of Public Health with over 25 years of experience conducting occupational safety and health research on a variety of occupational and environmental exposures, injuries and disease. She develops innovative interventions for protecting home care workers with a focus on prevention. Another facet of Sama’s research is conducting observational research investigating risk factors for severe COVID-19 and Long COVID (PASC) and the natural history of the disease in a community-based Massachusetts cohort.

Selected Publications

  • Sama SR, Quinn MM, Gore RJ, Galligan CJ, Kriebel D, Markkanen PK, Lindberg JE, Fallon PJ. The Safe Home Care Intervention Study: Implementation Methods and Effectiveness Evaluation. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2024;0(0):07334648241246472. doi: 10.1177/07334648241246472. PubMed PMID: 38652665.
  • Markkanen PK, Gore RJ, Sama SR, Lindberg JE, Galligan CJ, Quinn MM. Coaching Home Care Clients to Prepare Their Homes for Safe Care Visits: A Mixed-Methods Study to Evaluate a Nurse-Led Educational Intervention Process. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024;21(3):360. PubMed PMID: doi:10.3390/ijerph21030360.
  • Brouillette N, Markkanen P, Quinn M, Galligan C, Sama S, Lindberg J, Karlsson N. Aide and Client Safety “Should Go Hand-In-Hand”: Qualitative Findings From Home Care Aides, Clients, and Agency Leaders. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2022;0(0):07334648221146769. doi: 10.1177/07334648221146769. PubMed PMID: 36565062.
  • Sama SR, Gore R, Bauer AZ, Garber L, Rosiello R, Sundaresan D, McDonald A, Kriebel D. Targeting patients for early COVID-19 therapy; Pre-infection metabolic dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome and risk of severe disease in patients under 65: A Massachusetts community-based observational study. PLoS One. 2023 Jun 15;18(6):e0287430. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287430. PMID: 37319299; PMCID: PMC10270632. 
  • Brouillette NM, Markkanen PK, Quinn MM, Galligan CJ, Sama SR, Lindberg JE, Karlsson ND. Aide and Client Safety "Should Go Hand-In-Hand": Qualitative Findings From Home Care Aides, Clients, and Agency Leaders. J Appl Gerontol. 2023 Apr;42(4):571-580. doi: 10.1177/07334648221146769. Epub 2022 Dec 24. PMID: 36565062; PMCID: PMC9996781. 
  • Eyllon M, Dang AP, Barnes JB, Buresh J, Peloquin GD, Hogan AC, Shimotsu ST, Sama SR, Nordberg SS. Associations between psychiatric morbidity and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: An analysis of electronic health records and patient survey. Psychiatry Res. 2022 Jan;307:114329. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114329.Epub 2021 Dec 7. PubMed PMID: 34910966; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8648380. 
  • Quinn MM, Markkanen PK, Galligan CJ, Sama SR, Lindberg JE, Edwards MF. Healthy Aging Requires a Healthy Home Care Workforce: the Occupational Safety and Health of Home Care Aides. Curr Envir Health Rpt 8, 235–244 (2021). Available open access. 
  • Sama SR, Quinn M.M., Galligan CJ, Karlsson ND, Gore RJ, Kriebel D, Prentice JC, Osei-Poku G, Carter CN, Markkanen PK, Lindberg JL. Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Home Health and Home Care Agency Managers, Clients, and Aides: A Cross-Sectional Survey, March to June, 2020. Home Health Care Management & Practice (2021) 33(2) 125–129. 
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Home Health and Home Care in Massachusetts (2020) UMass Lowell Safe Home Care Project and Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety. ©2020 Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety, 501 Boylston Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02116. 
  • Markkanen, P., Brouillette, N., Quinn, M.M. Galligan C.J., Sama S.R., Lindberg J.E., Karlsson N.D. “It changed everything”: The Safe Home Care qualitative study of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on home care aides, clients, and managers. BMC Health Serv Res (2021) 21, 1055, 
  • Lindberg JE, Quinn M.M., Gore RJ, Galligan CJ, Sama SR, Sheikh NN, Markkanen PK, Parker-Vega A, Karlsson ND, LeBouf RF, Virji MA. Assessment of home care aides’ respiratory exposure to total volatile organic compounds and chlorine during simulated bathroom cleaning: An experimental design with conventional and “green” products, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, (2021) 18:6, 276-287, DOI:10.1080/15459624.2021.1910280, PubMed PMID: 34004120 
  • Bauer AZ, Gore R, Sama SR, Rosiello R, Garber L, Sundaresan D, McDonald A, Arruda P, Kriebel D. Hypertension, medications, and risk of severe COVID-19: A Massachusetts community-based observational study. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2021 Jan;23(1):21-27. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7753489. 
  • Kriebel D, Sama SR, Bradbury M, Buchholz B, Curti S, Daines B, Deliso K, DeVries R, Fleckner T, Gore R, Mattioli S, Shah C, Wegman DH. Risk Factors for Retinal Detachment: A Case-Control Study. J Occup Environ Med. 2020 Jun;62(6):445-451. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9069176. 
  • Karlsson, N.D., Markkanen, P., Kriebel, D., Gore, R.J., Galligan, C.J., Sama, S., Quinn, M.M. (2019). Home care aides' experiences of verbal abuse: a survey of characteristics and risk factors. Occupational and environmental medicine,76(7) 448-454. 
  • Goodyear, N., Markkanen, P., Beato-Melendez, C., Mohamed, H., Gore, R., Galligan, C., Sama, S., Quinn, M.M., (2017). Cleaning and disinfection in home care: A comparison of two commercial products with potentially different consequences for respiratory health (ePub ahead of print). American Journal of Infection Control. 
  • Luckmann, R., White, M.J., Costanza, M.E., Frisard, C.F., Cranos, C., Sama, S., Yood, R. (2017). Implementation and process evaluation of three interventions to promote screening mammograms delivered for 4 years in a large primary care population. Translational behavioral medicine,7(3) 547-556. 
  • Sama, S., Kriebel, D., Gore, R.J., DeVries, R., Rosiello, R. (2017). Environmental triggers of COPD symptoms: a case cross-over study. BMJ open respiratory research,4(1) e000179. 
  • Mapel, D., Laliberté, F., Roberts, M.H., Sama, S., Sundaresan, D., Pilon, D., Lefebvre, P., Duh, M.S., Patel, J. (2017). A retrospective study to assess clinical characteristics and time to initiation of open-triple therapy among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, newly established on long-acting mono- or combination therapy. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,12 1825-1836. 
  • DeVries, R., Kriebel, D., Sama, S. (2017). Outdoor Air Pollution and COPD-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospital Admissions, and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis. COPD,14(1) 113-121. 
  • Markkanen, P., Quinn, M.M., Galligan, C., Sama, S., Gore, R., Sun, C., Okyere, D., Brouillette, N. (2016). P6-3 Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods to assess occupational exposures and interventions among homecare aides. Occupational and Environmental Medicine,73(Suppl 1) A94–A94. 
  • DeVries, R., Kriebel, D., Sama, S. (2016). Validation of the breathlessness, cough and sputum scale to predict COPD exacerbation. NPJ primary care respiratory medicine,26 16083. 
  • DeVries, R., Kriebel, D., Sama, S. (2016). Low level air pollution and exacerbation of existing copd: a case crossover analysis. Environmental health: a global access science source,15(1) 98. 
  • Quinn, M.M., Markkanen, P., Galligan, C.J., Sama, S., Kriebel, D., Gore, R.J., Brouillette, N.M., Okyere, D., Sun, C., Punnett, L., others, . (2016). Occupational health of home care aides: results of the safe home care survey. Occupational and environmental medicine,73(4) 237 - 245. 
  • Markkanen, P., Quinn, M.M., Sama, S. (2015). When the Home is a Workplace: Promoting Safety and Health for a Vulnerable Workforce (pp. 94-103). Rutgers University Press 
  • Sama, S., Kriebel, D., Gore, R.J. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), DeVries, R.R. (University of Massachusetts Lowell) (2015). Environmental triggers of COPD symptoms: a cross-sectional survey. COPD Research and Practice,1(12) 8. 
  • Hunt, P.R., Friesen, M.C., Sama, S., Ryan, L., Milton, D. (2015). Log-Linear Modeling of Agreement among Expert Exposure Assessors. The Annals of occupational hygiene,59(6) Updated Selected Publications for Susan Sama 764-74. 
  • Markkanen, P., Galligan, C., Laramie, A., Fisher, J., Sama, S., Quinn, M.M. (2015). Understanding sharps injuries in home healthcare: The Safe Home Care qualitative methods study to identify pathways for injury prevention. BMC public health,15(1) 359. 
  • Galligan, C.J., Markkanen, P., Fantasia, L.M., Gore, R.J., Sama, S., Quinn, M.M. (2015). A growing fire hazard concern in communities: home oxygen therapy and continued smoking habits. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy,24(4) 535–554. 
  • Quinn, M.M., Markkanen, P., Galligan, C., Sama, S., Kriebel, D., Gore, R., Punnett, L., Davis, L., Laramie, A., Brouillette, N., others, . (2014). Quantifying Hazardous Occupational Exposures and Injuries in Home Care: Results from the Safe Home Care Survey. Occupational and environmental medicine,71(Suppl 1) A39–A39. 
  • Kriebel, D., Brouillette, N., Markkanen, P., Galligan, C., Sama, S., Gore, R., Laramie, A., Okyere, D., Sun, C., Davis, L., Quinn, M. (2014). 0289 Preventing needlesticks and other sharps injuries to home care aides: results of a survey to identify hazards during home visits. Occupational and Environmental Medicine,71(Suppl 1) A36–A37. 
  • Markkanen, P., Quinn, M.M., Galligan, C., Sama, S., Brouillette, N., Okyere, D. (2014). Characterizing the nature of home care work and occupational hazards: a developmental intervention study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine,57(4) 445-57. 
  • Shorter, J.H., Nelson, D.D., McManus, J.B., Zahniser, M.S., Sama, S., Milton, D.K. (2011). Clinical study of multiple breath biomarkers of asthma and COPD (NO, CO(2), CO and N(2)O) by infrared laser spectroscopy. Journal of breath research,5(3) 037108. 
  • Costanza, M.E., Luckmann, R., White, M.J., Rosal, M.C., Cranos, C., Reed, G., Clark, R., Sama, S., Yood, R. (2011). Design and methods for a randomized clinical trial comparing three outreach efforts to improve screening mammography adherence. BMC health services research,11 145. 
  • Wan, E.S., DeMeo, D.L., Hersh, C.P., Shapiro, S.D., Rosiello, R.A., Sama, S., Fuhlbrigge, A.L., Foreman, M.G., Silverman, E.K. (2011). Clinical predictors of frequent exacerbations in subjects with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Respiratory medicine,105(4) 588-94. 
  • Quinn, M.M., Markkanen, P., Galligan, C.J., Kriebel, D., Chalupka, S.M., Kim, H., Gore, R.J., Sama, S., Laramie, A.K., Davis, L. (2009). Sharps injuries and other blood and body fluid exposures among home health care nurses and aides. American Journal of Public Health,99 Suppl 3 S710-7. 
  • Corradi, M., Acampa, O., Goldoni, M., Andreoli, R., Milton, D., Sama, S., Rosiello, R., de Palma, G., Apostoli, P., Mutti, A. (2009). Metallic elements in exhaled breath condensate and serum of patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Metallomics : integrated biometal science,1(4) 339-45. 
  • Markkanen, P., Chalupka, S., Galligan, C., Sama, S., Gore, R., Kim, H., Bello, A., Kriebel, D., Quinn, M.M. (2008). Studying home health care nurses and aides: research design and challenges. Journal of Research in Nursing,13 480-495. 
  • Lowery, E.P., Henneberger, P.K., Rosiello, R., Sama, S., Preusse, P., Milton, D.K. (2007). Quality of life of adults with workplace exacerbation of asthma. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation,16(10) 1605-13. 
  • Bolen, A.R., Henneberger, P.K., Liang, X., Sama, S., Preusse, P.A., Rosiello, R.A., Milton, D.K. (2007). The validation of work-related self-reported asthma exacerbation. Occupational and environmental medicine,64(5) 343-8. 
  • Henneberger, P.K., Derk, S.J., Sama, S., Boylstein, R.J., Hoffman, C.D., Preusse, P.A., Rosiello, R.A., Milton, D.K. (2006). The frequency of workplace exacerbation among health maintenance organisation members with asthma. Occupational and environmental medicine,63(8) 551-7. 
  • Sama, S., Milton, D.K., Hunt, P.R., Houseman, E.A., Henneberger, P.K., Rosiello, R.A. (2006). Case-by-case assessment of adult-onset asthma attributable to occupational exposures among members of a health maintenance organization. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine,48(4) 400-7. 
  • Sama, S., Hunt, P.R., Cirillo, C.I., Marx, A., Rosiello, R.A., Henneberger, P.K., Milton, D.K. (2003). A longitudinal study of adult-onset asthma incidence among HMO members. Environmental health : a global access science source,2(1) 10. 
  • Holcroft, C.A., Eisen, E.A., Sama, S., Wegman, D. (2003). Measurement characteristics of peak expiratory flow. Chest,124(2) 501-10. 
  • Virji, M.A., Woskie, S., Sama, S., Kriebel, D., Eberiel, D. (2000). Identifying the determinants of viable microorganisms in the air and bulk metalworking fluids. AIHAJ : a journal for the science of occupational and environmental health and safety,61(6) 788-97. 
  • Kaufman, J.D., Cohen, M.A., Sama, S., Shields, J.W., Kalat, J. (1998). Occupational skin diseases in Washington State, 1989 through 1993: using workers' compensation data to identify cutaneous hazards. American journal of public health,88(7) 1047-51. 
  • Kriebel, D., Sama, S., Woskie, S., Christiani, D.C., Eisen, E.A., Hammond, S.K., Milton, D.K., Smith, M., Virji, M.A. (1997). A field investigation of the acute respiratory effects of metal working fluids. I. Effects of aerosol exposures. American journal of industrial medicine,31(6) 756-66. 
  • Sama, S., Kriebel, D., Woskie, S., Eisen, E., Wegman, D., Virji, M.A. (1997). A field investigation of the acute respiratory effects of metal working fluids. II. Effects of airborne sulfur exposures. American journal of industrial medicine,31(6) 767-76. 
  • Woskie, S., Virji, M.A., Kriebel, D., Sama, S., Eberiel, D., Milton, D.K., Hammond, S.K., Moure-Eraso, R. (1996). Exposure assessment for a field investigation of the acute respiratory effects of metalworking fluids. I. Summary of findings. American Industrial Hygiene Association journal,57(12) 1154-62. 
  • Kriebel, D., Sama, S., Cocanour, B. (1993). Reversible pulmonary responses to formaldehyde. A study of clinical anatomy students. The American review of respiratory disease,148(6 Pt 1) 1509-15. 
  • Sama, S., Martin, T.R., Davis, L.K., Kriebel, D. (1990). Cancer incidence among Massachusetts firefighters, 1982-1986. American journal of industrial medicine,18(1) 47-54.

Selected Presentations

  • The National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Healthcare and Social Assistance Industry Sector Council Meeting: An Update on Healthcare Services in the Next Phase of COVID-19, July 8, 2020.
  • Study Methods: COVID-19 severity and the association to use of hypertension medications, Zuckerberg College of Health and Sciences Retreat, May 5, 2020.
  • Study Results: COVID-19 severity and the association to use of hypertension medications. 2020 Faculty Symposium, December 2, 2020.
  • Cleaning and Disinfection in Home Healthcare: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods to Assess Caregivers’ Exposure to Cleaning and Disinfection Products. - ICOH 2018 Conference, April 2018 - Dublin, Ireland
  • Respiratory irritant exposures during cleaning and disinfecting in home care: preliminary results from the Safe Home Care Study - 26th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, August 2017 - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Environmental and Occupational Triggers of COPD Symptoms: A case crossover study - The 26th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) , August 2017 - Edinburgh
  • Homecare Work: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods to Assess Musculoskeletal Strain among Aides - The First Global Carework Summit, June 2017 - Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
  • An integrated approach to infection and respiratory illness prevention in home healthcare: preliminary results of the safe home care cleaning and disinfecting study - 25th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, September 2016 - Barcelona, Spain
  • Evaluating the connection between healthcare worker and patient safety using the care bond framework - 25th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, September 2016 - Barcelona, Spain
  • Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods to Assess Occupational Exposures and Interventions among Homecare Aides - 8th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment in Epidemiology and Practice, September 2016 - Barcelona, Spain
  • Safe cleaning and disinfecting for home care aide and client health - American Public Health Association (APHA) 143rd Annual Meeting, November 2015 - Chicago (IL), USA
  • Hazardous Occupational Exposures and Injuries in Home Care: Results from the Safe Home Care Survey - 10th International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) Scientific Conference, April 2015 - London, UK
  • Quantifying hazardous occupational exposures and injuries in home care: Results from the Safe Home Care survey - 24th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, June 2014 - Chicago (IL), USA
  • Why are needlesticks and other sharps injuries occurring in home healthcare? - American Public Health Association (APHA) 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2013 - Boston (MA), USA
  • Risks of occupational safety and health hazards among home care aides - American Association of Public Health (APHA) 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2013 - Boston (MA), USA
  • Occupational safety and health hazards among home care aides - American Public Health Association (APHA) 140th Annual Meeting and Exposition, October 2012 - San Francisco (CA), USA
  • Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Measures in Occupational Health - A Case Study on Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures in Home Healthcare - Education and Research Center (ERC) & Work Health and Well-being Seminar Series at Harvard School of Public Health, September 2010 - Boston (MA), USA
  • Methods for qualitative measures informing quantitative measures in occupational health - a case study - 6th International Occupational and Environmental Exposure Assessment Conference, August 2009 - Boston (MA), USA
  • Assessment of blood exposures among home healthcare workers: linking qualitative and quantitative methods for more precise exposure estimation - 6th International Occupational and Environmental Exposure Assessment Conference, August 2009 - Boston (MA), USA
  • Risk of sharps injuries and blood exposures among home health care workers - American Public Health Association (APHA) 136th Annual Meeting and Exposition. , October 2008 - San Diego (CA), USA
  • Project SHARRP: Survey methods and recruitment of a population of home healthcare providers - American Public Health Association (APHA) 135th Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2007 - Washington DC, USA
  • Sharps Injuries & Blood Exposures Among Home Health Care Workers - 19th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, October 2007 - Banff (Alberta), Canada

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • The Safe Home Care Project. Grant. Quinn, M.M., Kriebel, D., Goodyear, N., Markkanen, P., Sama, S., Lindberg, J. Role: Nurse, Epidemiologist
    • Sharps Injuries and Blood Exposures in Home Health Care - (2004-2009)
    • Safety & Health for Home Care Workers in Social Assistance and Healthcare - (2010-2014)
    • Homecare Work in Social Assistance and Healthcare: Safe Cleaning and Disinfection (2015-2018)
    • Safety and Health for Home Care Aides in Healthcare and Social Assistance: The Safe Home Care Intervention Study (2019-2023)
  • COVID-19 severity and the association to use of hypertension medications, April 2020, UML Seed grant. Role: Co-Investigator
  • Heavy lifting and risk of retinal detachment: A case control study, September 2014-August 2019, Grant. Role: Co-Investigator
  • Home and community exposures in COPD exacerbation: A pilot case cross-over study, September 2009-August 2013, Grant. Role: Co-Principal Investigator