Polly Hoppin is a Research Professor, Program Director in the Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences and the Public Health Department.

Polly Jacquelin Hoppin, Sc.D.

Research Faculty Emeritus; Director, Cancer & Environment Initiatives

Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences
Public Health, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
820 Broadway St.

Research Interests

Collaborative networks for catalyzing systems change to prevent cancer; policies and programs that cost-effectively reduce the burden of asthma; models for interagency/multi-sectoral initiatives to address environmentally-mediated disease; promoting the development of safer products, materials, and processes as integral to chronic disease prevention; the development of appropriate science capacity to serve the needs of communities confronting environmental risks to health.


  • Sc.D.: Health Policy and Management/Environmental Health Sciences, (1991), Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health - Baltimore, Maryland
  • BA, (1981), Princeton University - Princeton, New Jersey


Polly Hoppin is a Research Professor of Public Health in the Department of Public Health and Program Director for Environmental Health at the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production. Her current work focuses on advancing the primary prevention of chronic disease via the design and implementation of multi-sectoral environmental initiatives grounded in systems thinking, qualitative research and strategic convening. Dr. Hoppin is a co-founder of the Cancer Free Economy Network, a national partnership, and a related regional initiative in Southwestern Pennsylvania, which seek to integrate environmental carcinogens into cancer-related research, policy and programming. Prior to her arrival at U. Mass., Dr. Hoppin was a Senior Advisor for environmental health at the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency, responsible for developing Department strategies for asthma and interagency strategies on children’s environmental health at the national and regional levels. Her experience also includes a decade at World Wildlife Fund, where she developed a program to reduce pesticide use in agriculture via partnerships to change policy and advance innovative farm practice and labeling programs. Polly has been instrumental in the formation of ongoing collaborations and networks, and has held numerous Board and other leadership positions in organizations ranging from the American Public Health Association and the Massachusetts Public Health Association to Clean Water Fund, Pesticide Action Network and the Center for Whole Communities.

Selected Publications

  • Kripke , M.L. (MD Anderson Cancer Center), Brody , J.G. (Silent Spring Institute), Hawk , E. (MD Anderson Cancer Center), Hernandez , A. (Silent Spring Institute), Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M.M. (Lowell Center for Sustainble Production), Rudel , R.A. (Silent Spring Institute), Rebbeck , T.R. (Harvard University/Dana Farber Institute) (). Rethinking Environmental Carcinogenesis. Journal of Cancer Biomarkers, Epidemiology and Prevention, 20(10) 1870-1875.
  • Myers , D.J., Hoppin, P., Jacobs , M. (Lowell Center for Sustainable Production), Clapp , R., Kriebel, D. (2020). Cancer rates not explained by smoking: a county-level analysis. Environmental Health, 19(1) 64.
  • Hoppin, P. (2017). Policy Perspective on Asthma. Massachusetts Health Council
  • Hoppin, P., Jacobs , M. (Lowell Center for Sustainable Production) (2016). A handbook for scaling up safe and sustainable alternatives in the drycleaning industry. . Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
  • Kriebel, D., Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M.M., Clapp, R.W. (2016). Environmental and Economic Strategies for Primary Prevention of Cancer in Early Life. Pediatrics, 138(Suppl 1) S56-S64.
  • Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M. (2015). Strategic Plan for Asthma in Massachusetts; Chapter 5: Advance the Primary Prevention of Asthma (pp. 78-102). Massachusetts Department of Public Health
  • Collins, C., Hoppin, P. (2014). Neighbors Helped This Immigrant-Owned Dry Cleaner in Boston Go Nontoxic—and Stay in Business. YES Magazine Online
  • Jacobs, M., Ellenbecker, M., Tickner, J., Hoppin, P. (2014). IARC’s Review of Carbon Nanotubbes: Substantiating Early Warnings of Harm. Physicians for Social Responsibility Environmental Health Policy Institute
  • Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M. (2013). Public Health Protection in Wood Biomass Decision-Making. Springer Press
  • Sarewitz, D., Kriebel, D., Clapp, R., Crumbley, C., Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M., Tickner, J. (2012). The Sustainability Solutions Agenda (1st Edition pp. Chapter 1`6). Routledge
  • Sommer, S., Queenin, L., Nethersole, S., Greenburg, J., Baumik, U., Stillman, L., Hoppin, P., Chan, E., Wilkerson, R., Woods, L. (2011). Children's Hospital Boston Community Asthma Initiative: Using Outcomes to Drive Policy Change. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 5(3).
  • Hoppin, P., Stillman, L., Jacobs, M. (2010). Investing in Best Practices for Asthma: A Business Case—August 2010 Update. Asthma Regional Council/Health Resources in Action
  • Sarewitz, D., Kriebel, D., Clapp, R., Crumbley, C., Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M., Tickner, J. (2010). The Sustainable Solutions Agenda. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production/Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University
  • Hoppin, P., Stillman, L., Jacobs, M. (2010). Asthma: A Business Case for Employers and Health Care Purchasers. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production/Asthma Regional Council, February
  • Jacobs, M., Hoppin, P., Sperrazza, K., Clapp, R. (2009). Asthma-Related Chemicals in Massachusetts: An Analysis of Toxics Use Reduction Act Data (Methods and Policy Report Number 25). Toxics Use Reduction Institute
  • Hoppin, P., Stillman, L. (2009). What the Health Sector Needs to Implement Best Practices for Asthma: A Perspective From Providers. Asthma Regional Council/The Medical Foundation
  • Hoppin, P., Tickner, J., Jacobs, M., Coffin, M. (2008). A Common Agenda for Health and Environment: Goals for the Next Generation and Steps to Get There. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
  • Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M., Stillman, L. (2007). Investing in Best Practices for Asthma: A Business Case for Education and Environmental Interventions. Asthma Regional Council/The Medical Foundation
  • Clapp, R., Hoppin, P., Kriebel, D. (2006). Erosion of the Integrity of Public Health Science in the USA. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63 367-368.
  • Clapp, R., Hoppin, P., Jagai, J., Donahue, S. (2006). Perflourooctanoic Acid Case Study. Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy
  • Clapp, R., Culver, A., Donahue, S., Fuller, T., Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M., Sutherland, L. (2006). Risks to Asthma Posed by Indoor Health Care Environments: A Guide to Identifying and Reducing Problematic Exposures. Health Care Without Harm
  • Clapp, R., Hoppin, P., Kriebel, D. (2006). Erosion of the integrity of public health science in the USA. (63:6 pp. 367-8). Occupational and environmental medicine
  • Hoppin, P. (2005). IBM Employees v. IBM: Pitfalls and Opportunities of Litigation-Generated Research. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 15(3) 277-285.
  • Hoppin, P., Clapp, R. (2005). Science and Regulation: Current Impasse and Future Solutions. American Journal of Public Health, 95(S1) S8-S12.
  • Hoppin, P., Donahue, S. (). Improving Asthma Management by Addressing Environmental Triggers: Challenges and Opportunities for Delivery and Financing. Asthma Regional Council/The Medical Foundation
  • Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M., Donahue, S. (2003). School-Based Asthma Surveillance in New England. Asthma Regional Council, The Medical Foundation
  • Hoppin, P., Katz, S., Robarge, G. (2000). Action Against Asthma: A Strategic Plan for the Department of Health and Human Services. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Hoppin, P. (2000). Risky Business – Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and the Environment. Public Health Reports, 115(4) 381-383.
  • Tickner, J., Hoppin, P. (2000). Children's Environmental Health: A Case Study in Implementing the Precautionary Principle. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 6(4) 281-288.
  • Hoppin, P. (1997). Reducing Pesticide Reliance and Risk Through Adoption of the IPM: An Environmental and Agricultural Win-Win (Miscellaneous Publication Number 1542 pp. 12-17). United States Department of Agriculture
  • Hoppin, P., Liroff, R., Miller, M. (1997). Reducing Reliance on Pesticides in Great Lakes Basin Agriculture. World Wildlife Fund
  • Hoppin, P. (1993). Transition of Products: Sunset/Sunrise (pp. 75-79). World Wildlife Fund
  • Murray, D.L., Hoppin, P. (1992). Recurring contradictions in agrarian development: Pesticide problems in Caribbean basin nontraditional agriculture. World Development, 20(4) 597-608.
  • Murray, D., Hoppin, P. (1990). Pesticides and Nontraditional Agriculture: A Coming Crisis for U.S. Development Policy in Latin America? (90-94). Texas Papers on Latin America, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin