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Ramraj Gautam, Ph.D., FAGHE

Teaching Professor

Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences
Susan and Alan Solomont School of Nursing
Health and Social Sciences Building


Age-inclusivity in higher education, intergenerational programs, international gerontology education, ageism, age-friendly environments; engaging retired and emeriti professors; healthy aging.

Research Interests

Promoting intergenerational initiatives at institutions of higher education including retired and emeriti professors; Fostering international gerontology education


  • PhD: Health Sciences and Nursing with specialization in Social Gerontology, (2008), University of Tokyo - Tokyo, Japan
  • MA: Sociology, (2000), Tribhuvan University, Department of Sociology - Kathmandu, Nepal


Ramraj Gautam, Ph.D., has been affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) in the Solomont School of Nursing since the fall of 2008. He strives to create a learning environment for students that is supportive, challenging, and inspiring. He is a social gerontologist by training. His current research interest focuses on promoting intergenerational initiatives at institutions of higher education by engaging retired & emeriti professors and staff. In addition, he strives to foster global engagement and exchange of gerontology education. He co-chairs the UML Age-Friendly University Collaborative that includes faculty, staff, students, retirees, and learning communities to promote age-inclusive initiatives. Likewise, he serves as the director of the Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences Interprofessional Education (IPE) committee to advance IPE initiatives in the college.

In addition, he is a leadership team member in the UML ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity & Resilience to promote an equitable, inclusive, and empowering environment for faculty success. He is a Fellow of the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education. He serves on the editorial board of the Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, the official journal of the Gerontological Society of America. In addition, he serves as a member in the Age Inclusivity in Higher Education Workgroup, Gerontological Society of America. He looks forward to collaborating with colleagues to build interprofessional, cross-cultural, and intergenerational connections to advance age-inclusive practices in higher education.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • 2023 Fellow: Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (FAGHE).
  • 2023 Jacqueline F. Moloney Honors College Founder Award, Honors College, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
  • 2022 & 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award, Solomont School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • 2022 UMass Lowell Open Educational Resources (OER) Champion.
  • 2016 College of Health Science 2016-18 Faculty Teaching Fellow. University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Selected Publications

  • Melillo, K.D., Gautam, R., Sritan, S. & Khumrungsee, M. (2025). Emeriti professors’ perceptions: Qualitative research exploring involvement in university activities. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. Advance online publication.
  • Gautam, R., Sritan, S., Khumrungsee, M., & Melillo, K.D. (2024). Promoting age-friendly university by engaging older adults in intergenerational learning at institutions of higher education: PRISMA-guide scoping review. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 22(4), 645-677.
  • Peer, Y., Koren, A., DiNapoli, P., & Gautam, R. (2023). Factors associated with implementing the integrated behavioral health care model and Iraqi refugees in the USA. Community Mental Health Journal, doi: 10.1007/s10597-023-01107-
  • Barba, K. A., Gautam, R., & Knotts, P. (2022). Late life depression education: Impact on acute care nurses' knowledge, attitude, and screening practices. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(12), 43-51.
  • Gautam, R., Rydberg, J., Ho, I., Siwakoti, B., Chadbourne, W., & Mawn, B. E. (2021). Psychological distress among Bhutanese refugees living in the northeast region of the United States. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(4), 4010-4033.
  • Viner, S., & Gautam, R. (2020). Urinary tract infection knowledge of long-term care nursing staff: The effect of an educational intervention. UNJ Urologic Nursing, 40(1), 7- 11.
  • Gautam, R., Mawn, B., & Beehler, S. (2018). Bhutanese older adult refugees recently resettled in the United States: A better life but with little sorrows. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29(2), 165-171. doi:
  • Slyne, T. Gautam, R. & King, V. (2017). Colorectal cancer screening: An educational intervention for nurse practitioners to increase screening awareness and participation. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21(5), 543-546. 10.1188/17.CJON.543-546
  • Gautam, R. (2018). Caregiving of older adults in Nepal: Urbanization, modernization, and globalization. In M. Higo, T.R. Klassen, & N. S. Dhirathiti (Ed). Aging in Asia-Pacific: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspective.
  • Gautam, R., Mawn, B., & Beehler, S. (2018). Bhutanese older adult refugees recently resettled in the United States: A better life but with little sorrows. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29(2), 165-171. doi:
  • Gautam, R. (). Caregiving of older adults in Nepal: A context of urbanization, modernization, and globalization in a developing country.
  • Gautam, R., Mawn, B., Beehler, S. (). Bhutanese Older Adult Refugees recently Resettled in the United States: A Better life but with Little Sorrows. Journal of Transcultural Nursing.
  • Gautam, R., Abdallah, L., Lee, A.J., Melillo, K.D., Remington, R. (Framingham State University), VanEtten, D. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Gore, R. (2016). An MCBS-Based investigation of alternative primary care models in nursing homes: Cost and utilization difference. Research in Gerontological Nursing,9(3) 115-122.
  • Melillo, K.D., Remington, R., Lee, A.J., Abdallah, L.M., VanEtten, D., Gautam, R., Gore, R. (2015). Comparison of nurse practitioner and physician practice models in nursing facilities. (23:12 pp. 19-24). Annals of Long-Term Care
  • Abdallah, L.M., VanEtten, D., Lee, A.J., Melillo, K.D., Remington, R., Gautam, R., Gore, R. (2015). A MCBS-Based investigation of alternative primary care models in nursing homes: Functional ability and health status outcomes. Research in Gerontological Nursing,8(2) 85 - 93.
  • Gautam, R., Abdallah, L.M., Houde, S., Lee, A., Turcotte, D., Melillo, K.D., Knight, M., Markkanen, P., Holmes, R., (2013). Regional consortium of community engaged gerontology researchers. 3rd Annual Community Engagement and Research Symposium; Community Engaged Research: Exploring the Reach, Impact & Value
  • Gautam, R., VanEtten, D. (2012). Custodial Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Lack of Legal Relationship is a Barrier for Services. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,38(6) 18-22.
  • Markkanen, P., Abdallah, L.M., Lee, A.J., Gautam, R. (2012). Long-term care in the United States and Finland: policy lessons to be learned. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,38(12) 16-21.
  • Van Etten, D & Gautam, R. (2012). Custodial grandparents raising grandchildren: Lack of legal relationship a barrier for services. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 38(6), 18-22.
  • Gautam, R., Houde, S. (2011). Correlates of Intergenerational Conflict of Older Nepalese Adults with their Daughters-In-Law (51:). Gerontologist
  • Gautam, R., Houde, S.C. (2011). Geriatric Depression Scale for community-dwelling older adults in Nepal. Asian Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics,6(2) 93-9.
  • Gautam, R., Saito, T., Crocker, S.H., Kai, I. (2011). Social interactions and depressive symptoms among community dwelling older adults in Nepal: A synergic effect model. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics,53(1) 24-30.
  • Gautam, R., Saito, T., Houde, S., Kai, I. (2010). Relationship of Orientation to Traditional Norms with Negative Interaction of Older Adults with their Son in Nepal. Gerontologist,50.
  • Gautam, R. (2009). Intergenerational Social Support, Conflict and Mental Health of Older Adults in Nepal: Evidence of Synergic Effects. Gerontologist,49.
  • Gautam, R., Saito, T., Kai, I. (2008). Correlates of life satisfaction among older Nepalese adults living with a son. Bioscience trends,2(5) 187-192.
  • Gautam, R., Houde, S., Kai, I. (2007). Public Policy. Long-term Care Insurance in Japan. Journal of gerontological nursing,33(1) 7.
  • Houde, S.C., Gautam, R., & Kai, I.(2007). Long-term care insurance in Japan: Implications for US long-term care policy. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 33(1), 7-13.

Selected Presentations

  • Gautam, R., Melillo, K.D., Abdallah, L. (2024). Integrating emeriti professors into an age-inclusive learning activity for undergraduate students. In GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting; November 13-16, Seattle, WA. Innovation in Aging, 8(Supplement_1), 303-303.
  • Gautam, R. (2024). (Chair). Education: Gerontology/Geriatric education (Papers). Paper session chair, at the 79th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 13-17, 2024, Seattle, WA.
  • Gautam, R., Hollis, L., Mendez, L. (2024). Exploring opportunities to foster gerontology education and global engagement. In GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting; November 13-16; Seattle, WA. Innovation in Aging, 8(Supplement_1), 17-17.
  • Gautam, R. (Chair) (2023). Teaching and learning through intergenerational efforts. Paper session chair, at the 78th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 8-12, 2023, Tampa, FL.
  • Gautam, R, Melillo, K.D.; Abdallah, L.; & Wangwun, P. (2023). Emeriti professors’ intergenerational team talk: Reducing students’ aging anxiety addresses AFU Principles. Paper presentation at the 78th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 8-12, 2023, Tampa, FL.
  • Melillo, K.D.; Gautam, R.; Abdallah, L.; & Wangwun, P. (2023). Emeriti professors’ intergenerational connection: Qualitative research exploring perceptions and satisfaction. Symposium, at the 78th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 8-12, Tampa, FL. Innovation in Aging, 7(Suppl 1), 26. 10.1093/geroni/igad104.0087
  • Gautam, R. (Chair), Melillo, K.D., Clark, K., Elfenbein, P. & Townsend, M.(2022). Innovations in Age-Friendly University (AFU) campus practices: Engaging community, Symposium, at the 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 2-6, 2022, Indianapolis, IN. Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement_1), 144-144.
  • Gautam, R., Melillo, K.D., Sritan, S., & Khumrungsee, M. (2022). An Age-Friendly University initiative: Emeriti professors’ interest in intergenerational activities, for Symposium entitled, “Innovations in Age-Friendly University (AFU) campus practices: Engaging community, at the 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 2-6, 2022, Indianapolis, IN. Innovation in Aging, 6 (144-144).
  • Melillo, K.D., Gautam, R., Sritan, S., & Khumrungsee, M. (2022). Emeritus professors’ perceptions: Qualitative research exploring Age-Friendly University principles, for Symposium entitled, “Innovations in Age-Friendly University (AFU) campus practices: Engaging community, at the 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 2-6, 2022, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Gautam, R. Melillo, K., & McDonough, C.C. (2021). A step backward and forward in an Age-Friendly University Initiative: Adapting a campus learning partnership. Paper presentation at a symposium, “Advancing age inclusivity in a pandemic: Age-Friendly Univeristy (AFU) campuses take action.” Gerontlogical Society of America, 75th Annual Scientific Meeting, November 10-14 (Online). Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl 1), 385.
  • Gautam, R., Melillo K., & Hostetler, A. (2020). Age-Friendly University Inventory: Process and Outcome from UMass Lowell Campus”. Paper presentation at a symposium “Assessing Age-Friendliness in Higher Education: Introducing the Inventory and Campus Climate Surveys”. Gerontlogical Society of America, 74t Annual Scientific Meeting, November 4-7 (Online). Abstract doi:
  • Gautam, R. (2017). Undergraduate medical Students’ attitudes towards older adults in Nepal. Poster presented at the 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 21-27. Innovation in Aging, 1(Suppl 1), 133.
  • Gautam, R., Mawn, B., & Beehler, S. (2016). Bhutanese older adult refugees: Concerns about aging in the U.S. A symposium presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 16-20.
  • Gautam, R., Mawn.,B. (2015). Bhutanese older adult refugees: Identity formation after resettlement in the U.S. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America, 68th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, November 18-22.
  • Gautam, R., Mawn, B., & Beehler, S. (2014). Quality of life of older Bhutanese refugees in the U.S.”. Poster presented at the 142nd Annual Meeting - American Public Health Association , New Orleans, LA, USA, November 15-19 (Poster presented by B. Mawn, developed by all authors).
  • Gautam, R. (2013). Nursing students’ perception about aging in Nepal. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America, 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 20-24.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Gautam, R., Melillo, K.D., Adhallah, L. (2022). Emeriti Professors Intergenerational Connection (EPIC) to Enhance Students’ Academic Career and Life Trajectory Goals: Using the PEACE Model to Address Age-Friendly University Principles. Funded by the Solomont School of Nursing Donna Manning Pilot Research Program. (PI).
  • Gautam, R. (2022). UMass Lowell Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Contemplative Pedagogy Mini-Grant. (PI).
  • Gautam, R. (2022). Open Educational Resources (OER), Mini-Grant. Implement OER in Introduction to Gerontology course (PI).
  • Gautam. R. (2021). Introducing an anti-racist classroom activity in the HSCI 3060 Introduction to Gerontology course. Funded by the Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences COVID-19 Comeback Mini-Grant, UMass Lowell. (PI).
  • Gautam, R., & Melillo, K.D. (2021). Exploring the perception of emeritus professors: Enhancing age-friendly university (AFU) principles. Funded by the Gerontological Society of America GSA/AARP Seed grant to support age-inclusive principles on campus. (PI)
  • Mawn, B., Gautam, R. & Ho, I. (2017). Mental health outcomes among adult Bhutanese refugees living in the US. American Nurses Association Presidential Scholar Award. (Co-PI).
  • Mawn, B., Gautam, R., Beehler, S. (2013). Quality of Life of Bhutanese refugees recently resettled in the U.S”, Sigma Theta Tau International Grant, 2013-2014. (Co-PI)