Foreign Language Requirement in the College of Fine Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Students enrolled in Bachelor of Arts programs in the social sciences and humanities (with the exception of Economics) are required to demonstrate intermediate level proficiency in a foreign language. Students enrolled in a major requiring a language requirement prior to the fall 2015 need to complete 12 credits of the same language to prove an intermediate proficiency. All incoming students in or after the fall 2015 have an option to choose between the World Language track (12 credits of the same language) or the World Ready track (15 credits: two language courses of the same language, taught at UMass Lowell and three courses taught in English from various departments in the College of FAHSS, related to the linguistic regions being studied). Students with documented learning disabilities may be allowed to fulfill the language requirement through an alternate set of courses. Such students should file appropriate documentation with the office of Disability Services, at which time they will receive information on their alternative requirement. This foreign language requirement can also be found in the UMass Lowell Catalog.
Placement Exams in Spanish, French, German, and Chinese
No credits awarded.
If you are interested in taking the placement exam in one of the following languages – Spanish, French, German, and Chinese - the exam will be taken on a computer and it is about 20 minutes long. Email: MLP_exam@uml.edu for more information.
COST: Participants will need a valid credit card in order to pay online the $10 fee for taking the exam.
Placement Exams in Italian, Arabic and Portuguese
No credits awarded.
If you are interested in a placement exam on any other language that we teach at the Department of World Languages and Cultures at UMass Lowell: Italian, Arabic, and Portuguese - please contact by email: MLP_exam@uml.edu and we will coordinate a placement exam for you.
About the Exam
This exam is intended for students with prior knowledge of a foreign language and is NOT mandatory. It can only be taken once during your academic career. This test is designed to evaluate your general level of knowledge in the target language and does not give you any credit. Its purpose is to place you at the proper level. Each test is broad and covers a wide variety of material. No specific study guides or texts are recommended for preparation; however, reviewing textbooks in use in our programs, self-study guides, or software programs may help you to review prior to testing. All tests address the written language, reading and grammar (there is no listening). None of the tests require speaking on the part of the participant. Students have 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Special Accommodations
If any special accommodations need to be made for persons with disabilities, contact the Office of Disability Services and MLP_Exam@uml.edu in order to request such accommodations prior to any accommodations being implemented. Students must make this request early in the prior semester so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
What about Other Languages?
If you have a prior knowledge of a language other than a language that we teach at the Department of World Languages and Cultures at UMass Lowell, please refer to the following section for more information:
- Criteria for waiving the language requirement - Students who are required to prove intermediate mid proficiency as a requirement for their major can satisfy it through one of the following options:
- College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Examination (AP) - students must contact the Registrar’s Office for more details.
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP) - students must contact the Registrar’s Office for more details. Please note that the university does not proctor these exams. Please refer to the CLEP website for all information about languages that can be tested, registration, places, dates, and fees for this exam.
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Examinations: You will need to complete both the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and the Official ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) at the intermediate mid level. No credits are awarded for this exam. Please note that the university does not proctor these exams. Please refer to the ACTFL website for all information about registration, places, dates, and fees for this exam. Please contact MLP_Exam@uml.edu with your results.
- A satisfactory score in the Modern Language Placement Exam (MLP) administered by the Department of World Languages and Cultures at UMass Lowell. No course credits are awarded for levels waived by exam. Please contact MLP_Exam@uml.edu for specific details.
- A high school diploma obtained in a foreign country at a non-English school. This will waive the language requirement, but no course credits are awarded. Please contact MLP_Exam@uml.edu to make an appointment for document evaluation.
For policy information please review the details in the UMass Lowell online Undergraduate Catalog. View the CLEP result information page for more details on understanding results.
Please contact MLP_exam@uml.edu if you have any further questions.