IMAGE OF Joselyne Chenane

Joselyne Chenane Nkogo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor with Tenure

College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Criminology and Justice Studies
(978) 934-4136
Health and Social Sciences Building - 473


Policing, race and justice, immigration, neighborhoods and crime, public opinion, comparative criminology

Research Interests

Police-citizen Relations, Police Legitimacy, Consequences of Criminal Justice Contact, Race and Justice, Neighborhoods, Criminal Justice Systems, Comparative Criminal Justice.


  • Ph.D: Criminology and Criminal Justice, (2018), University of Nebraska Omaha, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice - Omaha, NE
    Dissertation/Thesis Title:The Effects of Police Contacts and Neighborhood Context on Delinquency
  • M.S.: Criminal Justice, (2011), State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo, NY
    Dissertation/Thesis Title:Adaptation of African and Non-African Refugees to Law Enforcement in Buffalo, New York
  • B.Ed. (Arts): English and Literature, (2007), Egerton University - Nakuru, Kenya


Joselyne Chenane Nkogo, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the School of Criminology and an alumna of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship program (2021).

Selected Awards and Honors

  • School of Criminology and Justice Studies Outstanding Teacher Award (2020), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Morgan Outstanding Graduate Award (2012), Scholarship/Research - Department of Criminal Justice, State University of New York College at Buffalo
  • Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award (2012), Scholarship/Research - Graduate Studies, State University of New York College at Buffalo
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2010), State University of New York College at Buffalo

Selected Publications

  • Chenane, J.L., Morabito, M.S., Gonzales, T.I. (2022). Perceptions of Police among Kenyan Female Immigrants in the United States. Feminist Criminology.
  • Sweeney, M., Chenane, J.L., & Perliger, A. (2022). The role of demographic diversification of the police force in curbing hate crimes: Cross sectional and longitudinal analyses. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 23(3), 255-272.
  • Chenane, J.L., Hammond, Q (2021). Using Social Media to Research a Hard to Access Population of Immigrant Women. Journal of Criminal Justice Education.
  • Solomon, S. & Chenane, J.L. (2021). The Role of Distributive Justice during Traffic Stops. British Journal of Criminology.
  • Boateng, F. D., Pryce, D. K., & Chenane, J. L. (2021). I may be an immigrant, but I am not a criminal: Examining the association between the presence of immigrants and crime rates in Europe. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22(3), 1105-1124.
  • Boateng, F. D., McCann, W. S., Chenane, J. L., & Pryce, D. K. (2021). Perception of immigrants in Europe: A multilevel assessment of macrolevel conditions. Social Science Quarterly, 102(1), 209-227.
  • Chenane, J. L., Wright, E. M., & Wang, Y. (2021). The effects of police contact and neighborhood context on delinquency and violence. Victims & Offenders, 16(4), 495-518.
  • Chenane, J.L., & Wright, E. (2021). The role of police officer race/ethnicity on crime rates in immigrant communities. Race and Justice, 11(1), 3-27.
  • Pryce, D. K., & Chenane, J. L. (2021). Trust and confidence in police officers and the institution of policing: The views of African Americans in the American South. Crime & Delinquency, 67(6-7), 808-838.
  • Boateng, F. D., & Chenane, J. (2020). Policing and social media: A mixed-method investigation of social media use by a small-town police department. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 22(3), 263-273.
  • Chenane, J. L., Wright, E. M., & Gibson, C. L. (2020). Traffic stops, race, and perceptions of fairness. Policing and Society, 30(6), 720-737.
  • Wright, E. M., Spohn, R., Chenane, J.L., & Juliano, N. (2017). The importance of interagency collaboration for crossover youth: A research note. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 15(4), 481-491.
  • Chenane, J.L., Wu, J., & Song, J. (2017). African and Non-African refugees’ perception of police: A study of two American cities. African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies, 10(1), 20-38.
  • Ellison, J., Steiner, B., Brennan, P., & Chenane, J.L. (2016). Age group differences in the predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised. The Prison Journal, 96 (6), 828-853.
  • Chenane, J.L., Brennan, P., Steiner, B., & Ellison, J. (2015). Racial and ethnic differences in the predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42 (3), 286-303.
  • Chenane, J.L., Wright, E.M., Gibson, C. (). Traffic Stops, Race, and Perceptions of Fairness. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 19.
  • Chenane, J.L., Wright, E.M. (2018). The Role of Police Officer Race/Ethnicity on Crime Rates in Immigrant Communities. Race and Justice, 215336871877727.
  • Chenane, J.L., Wu, J., Song, J. (2017). African and Non-African refugees’ perception of police: A study of two American cities. African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies,10(1) 20-38.
  • Wright, E.M., Spohn, R., Chenane, J.L., Juliano, N. (2017). The Importance of Interagency Collaboration for Crossover Youth. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice,15(4) 481-491.
  • Ellison, J., Steiner, B., Brennan, P., Chenane, J.L. (2016). Age group differences in the predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised. The Prison Journal,96(6) 828-853.
  • Chenane, J.L., Brennan, P.K., Steiner, B., Ellison, J.M. (). Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Predictive Validity of the Level of Service Inventory–Revised Among Prison Inmates. Criminal Justice and Behavior,42 286–303.
  • Mantle , W., Chenane, J.L. (2014). Expert witness. Wiley-Blackwell

Selected Presentations

  • Chenane, J.L., & Ruf, A.H. (February, 2022). COVID 19, Police and the Public. Presented at the Western Society of Criminology Conference Annual Meeting, Honolulu Hawaii.
  • Chenane J.L., & Odhiambo, T. (July 2021). Recruiting Participants for Research: Lessons Learned During a Global Pandemic. Presented at the Criminology and Criminal Justice Conference (CCJC) Annual Meeting Nairobi, Kenya (Virtual).
  • Chenane J.L., Gonzales T., & Hammond Q. (2019 November). Examining the Role of Police Legitimacy and Social Capital in a Hard-to-Reach Sample of Kenyan Women in America and Canada. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC), San Francisco, CA.
  • Chenane J.L. & Wright, E. (2018 November). Does neighborhood context matter in the relationship between police contact and delinquency? Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Chenane J. & Wright, E. (2017 November). The effects of prior police contact & neighborhood context on delinquency. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Chenane, J., Spohn, R., Wright, E. (2017 May). Evaluation of the Crossover Youth Practice Model (Youth Impact!). Poster at the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association (NJJA) Annual Conference, Kearny, NE.
  • Chenane, J. (2016 January). Assessing the effects of traffics stops on calling the police for help. Presented at the Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Law at University of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Chenane, J., Wright, E., & Spohn, R. (2016 November). When helping Crossover youth helps the juvenile justice system: Reports from agency professionals. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Wright, E., Spohn, R., & Chenane, J. (2016 November). Enhancing services for crossover youth: Challenges and recommendations. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Chenane, J. & Wright, E. (2015 November). Immigration, violent crimes, and the role of law enforcement officers. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  • Chenane, J. (2015 March). Assessing the impact of traffic stops on citizens’ calls for assistance. Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • Chenane, J., Brennan, P., Steiner, B., & Ellison, J. (2014 March). Racial and ethnic differences in the predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-revised. Presented to the Iowa Department of Corrections, Des Moines, IA
  • Chenane, J., Brennan, P., Steiner, B., & Ellison, J. (2013 November). Racial and ethnic differences in the predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-revised. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Chenane J., Wu J., & Song J. (2012 November). Refugees’ perception of law enforcement officers in western New York. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Chenane J. & Song J. (2011 November). Adaptation of African and Non-African refugees to law enforcement in Buffalo New York. Presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (2021).
  • Graduate Assistantship (2012), - School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska, Omaha
    Chenane, J.L.
  • Examining Police Legitimacy and Social Capital Among Kenya Immigrant Women (2019), Grant -
    Nkogo, J.C. (Principal), Gonzales, T.I. (Co-Investigator)
  • Doctoral Students Summit Scholarship (2017), - Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
    Chenane, J.L.
  • International Student Scholarship (2016), - International Programs
    Chenane, J.L.
  • Student Travel Scholarship (2016), - Office of Graduate Studies & School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska, Omaha
    Chenane, J.L.
  • Gibson Student Research Fellowship (2015), - Dr. Chris Gibson, University of Florida, Gainesville
    Chenane, J.L.
  • Student Travel Scholarship (2015), - Office of Graduate Studies & School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska, Omaha
    Chenane, J.L.
  • Student Travel Scholarship (2013), - Office of Graduate Studies & School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska, Omaha
    Chenane, J.L.
  • Community Partnership Grant (2011), Grant - Graduate Studies, State University of New York College at Buffalo
    Chenane, J.L., Song, J.H.