Tabling also gives you an opportunity to interact with the UMass Lowell community, conduct product demonstrations, and more! We support these tabling needs in a number of high-traffic, attractive, visible locations throughout the campus, and we invite you to contact us if this might be right for you!

How can you request a table at UMass Lowell today?

  1. Review our Vendor Table Policy.
  2. Browse our Tabling Locations.
  3. Print out a Table Space Request and Agreement (pdf). Be sure to read through the Policies, Protocols and Prohibited Products to ensure you or your business is eligible to table on campus. Complete the request.
  4. Email your completed Table Space Request and Agreement (pdf version is preferred) to Submission of a request does not ensure access to space. Please do not submit payment prior to review and approval of your submitted request.

A representative from HES will contact you to confirm eligibility and availability of space and prompt you for a Certificate of Liability Insurance upon approval of your request.