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Graduate Certificate Programs in Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering student working in lab.

These courses are geared towards either recent bachelor's degree graduates or professionals who want to explore an engineering specialty without making the commitment of a full-fledged graduate program.

The graduate certificate program requires the completion of four courses with a 3.000 GPA and no more than one course with a grade of C. The four-course program must be completed within a five-year period. Applicants will be considered following receipt of an application form available through Graduate Admissions. The courses for a certificate program also may be used toward a graduate degree subject to the approval of the graduate coordinator and with a grade of B or better.

For the latest requirements, course descriptions and more please consult the UMass Lowell Graduate Catalog.

Chemical Engineering student working in lab.

Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

This graduate certificate is offered jointly by the departments of Biological Sciences and Chemical Engineering and is aimed at students who hold a baccalaureate degree in science, engineering, health or related disciplines.

It also may be attractive to those currently enrolled in a graduate degree program, as well as to candidates holding a master's or doctoral degree who wish to add or enhance their competency in biotechnology and bioprocessing, but do not wish to complete another advanced degree.

The core sequence of courses emphasizes biological and engineering principles, process concepts and the application of these to process design and improvement. The lectures and laboratory are supplemented by case studies and design projects that teach specific principles.

Individual courses deliberately cross disciplinary barriers. This allows those with a background in the sciences to gain facility with the engineering approach to problem solving, and permits engineers to learn and apply biological principles. Concurrently, participants learn teamwork in a mullet environment and practice a result-oriented, document-driven approach to efficient project completion.

For the latest requirements, course descriptions and more please consult the UMass Lowell Graduate Catalog.

Chemical Engineering students working in lab.

Materials Science and Engineering

This certificate provides an advanced course of study in materials science and engineering that broadens and enhances the capabilities and education of experienced technologists at the graduate level.

Modeling, Simulation and Control of Systems and Processes

This sequence of courses provides advanced training in the modeling and analysis of complex systems, with some special focus on thermo-fluid processes and general control system design and analysis. The courses are mathematically intensive and many require the use of modern computer analysis tools such as Matlab, Simulink and Aspen. This program is appropriate for students and professionals interested in gaining skills in mathematical modeling and simulation techniques, and for those interested in updating their knowledge and experience with modern control methods.

For the latest requirements, course descriptions and more please consult the UMass Lowell online Graduate Catalog.