NEET Program Overview

Chemical/Nuclear Engineering student working in reactor.

The Nuclear Energy Education and Training (NEET) includes content delivery through topical lectures, group workshops sessions, and exposure to work methods. NEET program experience also emphasizes mentoring and experiential learning through visits to power reactor installations, networking sessions, and group projects.

Associate Prof. Sukesh Aghara talking to two students somehwere inside the Nuclear Reactor.

NEET program elements include:

  1. Classroom lectures delivered by University Professors, nuclear industry experts and leaders
  2. Problem-solving workshops including hands-on training and laboratory modules at the UMass Lowell Radiation Laboratory
  3. Experiential learning consisting of group project with integration of subject area experts, researchers and industry leaders into the project teams
  4. Visits to unique facilities such as nuclear power installations, fuel fabrication, research laboratories, and innovative power storage

The NEET program elements are delivered through a unique partnership of university, utilities, and the industry.