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Plastics Engineering

Plastics Engineering

Department of Plastics Engineering

The UMass Lowell Department of Plastics Engineering offers following Graduate Programs:

Co-op Option in Engineering
The Department of Plastics Engineering participates in the Graduate Master's Co-op Option in Engineering. For detailed information about the Co-op Program and curriculum requirements, please see the Graduate Catalog Engineering Co-op page.

About the Plastics Engineering Department

The Plastics Engineering Department at UMass Lowell is an internationally recognized leader in plastics engineering research and education. Founded in 1954 as the first of its kind, it continues to offer the only accredited Plastics Engineering program in the U.S. Over 3,000 graduates are working in leadership positions the plastics industry worldwide. The department offers a number of degree programs in Plastics Engineering, ranging from a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), as well as a number of other options, in order to fit a wide variety of career goals.

The department is staffed by 20 full-time faculty who conduct research in areas as diverse as nanomanufacturing and green polymeric materials. Close faculty connections to industry ensure that students develop an understanding of current issues in the field, while working relationships with other departments emphasize the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific research. The Plastics Engineering Department at UMass Lowell maintains 20,000 square feet of dedicated laboratory space where students have an opportunity to work with and conduct research using the latest manufacturing, design, materials formulation and testing technologies.

The Plastics Engineering Department at UMass Lowell - over 50 years of academic and research excellence!