Advantages of B2M

Two graduate students work on their laptops.
  • Count up to six credits of graduate-level courses taken as an undergraduate toward your bachelor’s and master’s degrees, saving time and money. Full-time, in-state students can potentially complete graduate school for under $20,000 – not including financial aid or scholarships.
  • Earning the advanced degree can be more cost effective than earning a second bachelor’s degree via a double major.
  • Some bachelor’s-to-master’s programs may be completed in as little as five years.
  • Application to transition is very simple. One letter of recommendation is all that is needed for most students who complete prerequisite courses (for most programs).
  • Continue studying in your undergraduate discipline, or transition to another field. Almost every undergraduate major tracks to multiple options for graduate study. Customizing a program is also an option for many students.
  • Work full time after completing your bachelor’s degree. Bachelor’s-to-master’s students may delay entry into the master’s program for up to a year.
  • Learn more about completing your master's with our Bachelor's to Master's opportunities.

Meet B2M Students

Marina Novaes works a CAPE table at a student event
Marina Novaes '19
Public Health

Marina Novaes was inspired to pursue a career in health after a mission trip to El Salvador. Marina's experiences through her sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau, and the peer-education group Campus Advocates for Prevention Education, motivated her to apply (and be accepted into) UML’s Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Public Health program.

The thing that I appreciate most from my professors is their personal dedication to see us succeed as public health professionals, as well as informed, empathetic and compassionate individuals.
Read More About Marina Novaes