Student walks in front of the Tong Business Center at UMass Lowell


The Manning School of Business has a long history of educating business leaders. 


The Francis College of Engineering provides outstanding engineering education and a growing portfolio of innovation.

Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences offers undergraduate & graduate programs through 12 departments & numerous interdisciplinary programs.

Scientist holding a syringe and test tube in a laboratory

Health Sciences

The Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences prides itself on educating tomorrow's leaders for a healthier world. Explore programs and careers in health sciences.  


The Kennedy College of Sciences fosters critical thinking for a technical world.

Umass Lowell Honors Ambassadors

Honors College

The Honors College offers innovative and engaging classroom settings, living communities and special events for students.

Young woman looking at phone while walking down sidewalk on University Ave in Lowell

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