UMass Lowell business student Kristin Kihara holds a tablet displaying the cover of her magazine Black.
Kristin Kihara '24
Business Administration, Entrepreneurship

Kristin Kihara started her own digital magazine, Black, highlighting creators who “aren’t really seen.”

There’s a big African population here, and I wanted to go somewhere where I’d feel comfortable.
Read More About Kristin Kihara 
Ashley Rose in a room with piles of newspapers behind her
Ashley Rose Rivera '23
English-Creative Writing

As student newspaper editor, Ashley Rivera helps other people tell stories.

English is an amazing department. It’s a hidden gem.
Read More About Ashley Rose Rivera 
Nicole Carrasco-Cruz inside the Red Sox Fenway Park
Nicole Carrasco-Cruz '22
Criminal Justice

Becoming a Red Sox Scholar in middle school set Nicole Carrasco-Cruz on course for her UML degree.

I fell in love with the school, the staff and the people. I knew this was the right environment for me.
Read More About Nicole Carrasco-Cruz 
Asst. Teaching Prof. Matt Hurwitz helps students work with grade-schoolers
Matthew Hurwitz
English, River Hawk Scholars Academy

Asst. Teaching Prof. Matt Hurwitz helps first-year students in their transition to college by connecting them with the community. His dedication to service won him an advising award.

If a student comes to UMass Lowell, they’re ours – and we owe them everything we can do to help them succeed.
Read More About Matthew Hurwitz 

River Hawk Scholars Academy News

  • Two young women blow bubbles through a colorful hoop that another woman is holding

    Meet the Librarian Who is Focused on First-Year Students

    Yolanda Hood, the UMass Lowell Library’s new first-year experience and instruction coordinator, ensures that students know about the resources and services that are available to them to help them succeed.
    Featured Story
  • Kelley-Lawson at chemo with her sister

    This New Year, Kelley Lawson is Grateful for a Fresh Start

    In this new year, Kelley Lawson is grateful for second chances. One year after extensive surgery and chemotherapy for Stage 4 cancer, Lawson shares some of the ways she’s winning this battle, one day at a time.
    Featured Story
  • UML biomedical engineering student Alex Hutchinson in Granada, Spain

    RHSA Expands with Study Abroad, First-Gen Student Conference

    The River Hawk Scholars Academy is expanding its programs for first-generation college students, including adding a study abroad course and a conference organized by students, thanks to federal aid and grants from nonprofits.
    Featured Story
  • A young man in glasses smiles while listening to someone talk in a conference room

    New Program Helps First-Gen Students Find Career Paths

    The River Hawk Scholars Academy’s new Pathways to Career program helps first-generation college students in their junior year take advantage of resources available to them in the Career and Co-op Center.