Fanhao Nie

Fanhao Nie, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Sociology, Center for Asian American Studies (CAAS)
Dugan Hall, Room 205-O


Health; race and ethnicity; quantitative research methods; deviance; religion


  • Ph.D.: in Sociology, 2017, Purdue University.
  • M.S.: in Sociology, 2013, Purdue University.
  • B.A.: in English, 2011, Jiangsu Normal University.


Fanhao Nie, Ph.D., focuses his research on how religion may influence emerging adults’ family values, educational outcomes, substance use behaviors, and physical and mental health. His articles have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as the "Journal of Religion and Health," "Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion," "Health and Place" and "Deviant Behavior." His research has been featured in the "Washington Post," "HuffPost," and "PsyPost."

Nie was born and raised in China. After receiving his B.A. in China, he studied at Purdue University, where he earned a Ph.D. in sociology.

Selected Publications

  • Nie, Fanhao. 2023. “Asian Hate, Minority Stress, and Religious Coping: A Study of Asian and Asian American Adults in the USA During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Religion and Health 62: 681-701.
  • Nie, Fanhao. 2022. “To Protect and Serve? Race and Police Use of Force Across Religious Contexts.” Review of Religious Research 64: 961-980.
  • Nie, Fanhao. 2021. “Adolescent Porn Viewing and Religious Context: Is the Eye still the Light of the Body?” Deviant Behavior 42(11): 1382-1395.
  • Nie, Fanhao. 2019. “Religion and Self-Efficacy: A Multilevel Approach.” Mental Health, Religion, and Culture 22(3): 279-292.
  • Nie, Fanhao and Xiaozhao Yang. 2019. “The Moral Community Divide: Underage Marijuana Use across Religious Contexts.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58(1): 153-173.
  • Nie, Fanhao and Daniel V. A. Olson. 2016. “Demonic Influence: The Negative Mental Health Effects of Belief in Demons.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55(3): 498-515.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • PRRI Microgrant, 2023, Public Religion Research Institute
  • Jack Shand Research Grant, 2021, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion