Over the past 30 years, the Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) at UMass Lowell has developed expertise on approaches to building strength in communities and engagement in collaborative community problem-solving around pressing issues. Based on a shared vision and plan with community partners, the CCRE provides opportunities for scholars and students to learn and build knowledge, facilitate needed change, and take lessons learned to other communities.
Areas of work have encompassed:
- Community safety, especially focused on gang violence, substance abuse, ex-offender reentry
- Neighborhood revitalization through resident mobilization and place-based strategies
- Public health - including environmental triggers for health conditions such as asthma, drug addiction mediation and prevention, adolescent behaviors, and workplace health
- Adolescent health and behavior, identifying health promotion and prevention approaches
- Equal access to education and housing, planning and support for the transition for immigrant-children in the school system
- Affordable housing - overview and analysis of the dynamics of the industry and housing quality
- Community health disparities - current health priorities and access to healthcare