Research at the UMass Lowell Radiation (RAD) Lab

The mission of the Radiation Laboratory is to conduct world-class research in applied and academic nuclear science, train the next generation workforce, and provide specialized service to our community and industry partners as a core research facility. The center houses a 1-Megawatt research reactor and a 5.5-Megavolt Van de Graaff particle accelerator under the same roof, a truly unique combination in a university setting.

Its facilities and associated instrumentation cater to a wide range of science and engineering disciplines with nuclear techniques that include physics, chemistry, life sciences, earth and environmental sciences, materials science, nuclear and bio-medical engineering, among others, and provide a springboard for nuclear research at national and international laboratories. The center employs, educates and mentors students in nuclear science and engineering, which include undergraduates, graduates and post-doctoral researchers.

Beyond the main focus of the laboratory to support the research and education missions of the university, use of its facilities by those outside the university is fully welcomed. Industry partnerships are also highly encouraged.

The Radiation Laboratory has been used for a wide range of applied research in nuclear science, such as for developing novel detectors for neutrons and gamma rays, for simulating radiation conditions of hostile space environments, for non-destructive testing and analysis, for research and development of radiation resistant electronics and materials, and for research and development of radiation induced modifications to materials.