Zamanakos Lecture: 'Seeking Sponsors in Hellenistic Greece'

Portrait of Gregory Callaghan, man wearing glasses and a suit

On Thursday, March 20, Prof. Gregory Callaghan (Union College) will come to UMass Lowell to give this year's Zamanakos Lecture. Prof. Callaghan's talk, "Seeking Sponsors in Hellenistic Greece: Why and How Greek Communities Embraced Attalid Patronage," will explore how the Attalid dynasty of the new and rising Kingdom of Pergamon used the metric of "status" to achieve an authority within the Greek world that far exceeded its military and territorial power. The lecture will take place in Coburn 255 from 6 to 7 p.m., with a reception to follow from 7 to 8 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact Prof. Jane Sancinito.

Meet Our Students and Alumni

Sarah Elizabeth McDermott center flanked by the other members of Protohype
Sarah Elizabeth McDermott '22

Sarah Elizabeth McDermott is grateful for scholarships that are helping her to graduate debt-free, because in the future she won’t have to say “No” to any opportunities.

UMass Lowell is an affordable school, and it’s a great education.
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Thomas Baldwin plays Connect 4 with a child at the Boys & Girls Club
Thomas Baldwin '19

Thomas Baldwin is pursuing a history degree while planning a career in law.

I’ve never met a professor unwilling to help a student out.
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UMass Lowell history student Jaden Belizaire
Jaden Belizaire '22

A class in archival methods and a directed study, working in the Lawrence History Center, led Jaden Belizaire to pursue graduate schools for archiving.

My experience in that class made me look more into archiving as a viable career.
Read More About Jaden Belizaire 
Karam Alafandi
Karam Alafandi '24
History, Pre-med

Karam Alafandi is studying history on his way to becoming a doctor.

I’m looking forward to having lifetime relationships with my patients.
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Cameron McKenzie in the Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain through the UMass Lowell Study Abroad program.
Cameron McKenzie '24
Criminal Justice (History minor)

Honors transfer student Cameron McKenzie squeezed four study abroad trips into her short time at UML.

Do the things you want to do when you can, because you don’t know when there will be limitations.
Read More About Cameron McKenzie 
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